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Everything posted by llanoflash

  1. nice. after you sand that down to what you like, heat to 1475 or so and quench. it should be hard. good luck on the hidden tang. i recommend a whitetail base horn. that would be cool. something like this cut down and drilled out.
  2. from what i can see.. this is a simple HT. 1475 and quench. similar steels with about .6 carbon are the same.
  3. now start at the top and start sanding... when you get to the bottom it should be slick..
  4. sorry i didnt see your response. not sure specifically about en 45, but a google says it is a spring steel.. high carbon. common stuff.. but good. i have made a bunch of stuff out of leaf springs and mower blades. the place i buy steel from doesnt have en45 listed. when you say filed down i assume you mean it has a bevel? take a file, flat bastard will work... scrape it across the edge, if it grabs, it isnt heat treated. if it just scates across then it is. you can always get it to 1475 or so and let it air dry slow. that will soften it back up. after that, sand the shit out of it to whatever slickness you want. i like spring steels, they are easy to treat and will get sharp easy. bad part is they rust pretty bad especially if you try to etch or gun blue them.
  5. the one with red/black is cpm154, the damascus is 1095 and 15n20, the rest are aeb-l stainless. the stainless and cpm are a little in depth. have to normalize then wrap in stainless foil. then get up to about 2000 and do plate quench in aluminum. have also done cryo quench with the aeb in dry ice and acetone. all the aeb tested to around 60rockwell after temper which is pretty good. the 1095/15n20 is easy. one step 1475 then straight to oil.. . then an etch in ferric chloride. that shit rusts and i wont do any more. i have tried all kinds of different steels and will probably use aeb-l, 440c and cpm 154(when i can get it) only from now on.
  6. good eye..
  7. yeah. sure.
  8. when do the mistakes stop again?
  9. curvin richards is reborn.
  10. These are stock removal but I do the heat treat and some hammering.
  11. some stuff i made.
  12. The Lalo character needs his own show.
  13. This is most likely true.
  14. I think Marty got to Nelson somehow and dipshit brother got committed somewhere. Helen was getting whacked anyway. I’m sure these assholes could find a body if they needed it
  15. Wendy’s bro ain’t dead.
  16. Very mysterious
  17. How come it gets dark in 4 seconds after the sun was in the middle of the Fuckin sky?
  18. Fuck. Didn’t know it was 8 episodes. Watched 8 last night and thought my Amazon was fucking up because 9 didn’t start. Marvel needs to take note on how to make a tv show that does not suck
  19. How much for the blow job?
  20. Somebody linked this in another thread. Pretty damn good.
  21. Wes Short in the lead this am.
  22. Jesse James Dupree?
  23. Learned how to play moon at the 87 ice box. Lessons there are not cheap
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