Many major media outlets are actually doing a solid job right now of doing real, actual reporting on the insane actions of the current administration.
Personally, I don't want Occupy Democrats, etc. in my news feed - their framing is just as bad as Fox News in many ways but on the opposite side. And really, any attempts to launch a mainstream left-leaning network of opinion programs for a mass audience that is the exact inverse of Fox News (like Air America, and to some degree, MSNBC) have not been able to build a large, consistent audience - because most Democrats ACTUALLY WANT TO READ REAL FACT-BASED NEWS.
But I do not disagree that (1) fast-shrinking local and regional media coverage due to the decline of newspapers and magazines has had a terrible effect on our country's understanding of current events, and (2) Fox News (and the right-wing ecosystem it has helped foster) has done potentially-irreparable harm to our country.