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Everything posted by sasquatch69

  1. Looked this up on the map - I guess they just bought the pastureland adjacent to the power plant and put in rows and rows of these CPU stacks and industrial cooling fans. I would not be surprised to see more municipalities enact laws against this as it becomes more common. https://www.google.com/maps/@32.3438316,-97.7317921,3a,19.6y,162.31h,91.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZz60ipGL8cw8ZJyPg38cfw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  2. As article mentioned, this is similar to the deal MSNBC gave Maddow so they could still keep her for something but allow her to do all the other projects she wanted to do. Win win.
  3. Bump because of this great interview with John Sayles about Lone Star, as it’s about to get the Criterion Collection treatment as we get closer to the 30th anniversary of its release. https://texashighways.com/culture/director-john-sayles-on-the-making-of-lone-star/
  4. that's NWA windchills on Saturday. I've camped in mid to upper 20s and have gear for that, but single digits? F that.
  5. Crap, we have a backpacking trip planned for the Ozarks in NWA next weekend. Looks like we may be changing those plans right soon.
  6. 45, generally good health (slightly overweight but ride my bike ~100mi/mo and other exercise) and heart-related tests have all been fine up to this point. And I rarely get sick. However, I picked up some flu-like viral thing from my wife and kids (negative to COVID so far) that has manifested itself in the past couple of days and it’s kicking my ass. Exhausted, full body aches, bad headaches, little appetite, etc. I used to get these occasionally but they were never this bad. I blame it on age.
  7. More on the previous interactions, from KUT: https://www.kut.org/crime-justice/2023-12-13/alleged-texas-mass-shooter-shane-james-criminal-history-mental-illness
  8. A couple clues: https://www.texaspolicy.com/conservatives-who-promise-to-stop-leftist-racism-win-texas-school-board-seats/ https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/politics/2022/04/13/422756/a-fort-bend-isd-school-board-candidate-has-been-sending-out-racially-charged-tweets/
  9. It seems like the Wilks/Dunn apparatus has a deep hold on the governor’s office and a sizable chunk of the R legislator base at this point…
  10. <derp>iTs NoT a dEmOcRaCy, iTs A cOnStItUtIoNaL rEpUbLiC</derp>
  11. And as one would expect, over on TexAgs there are multiple posters advocating to solve this problem by no longer allowing women to serve. My natural inclination is to assume they're doing a bit, but experience reading posts over there tells me I should know better and that they're perfectly serious.
  12. I fully realize this is largely the GOP’s doing, and the term “both sides” is too loaded to use at this point, so I retract that - but seriously, the podcast episode covers a lot of the background behind deficit spending and the politics around it. As a history buff it was really interesting and didn’t push into false-equivalency territory - apologies if I made it sound that way.
  13. The NYT Daily podcast this morning covered the massive current deficit, potential ways to fix it (like Rubinomics approach that led to an actual balanced budget during the Clinton era) - and why the current Congress will never agree to something like that because both sides are dug in and refuse to compromise or give an inch. It was depressing - just like everything about the current legislative shitshow.
  14. Abbott just called the next special session to focus once again on vouchers, and he’s now going nuclear.
  15. They went to mornings (and then some), given the +.5 increase for 6-10a. If they hit 2.0 in the next book then the lineup shuffle was a win. Overall numbers still aren’t great but you can bill better with consistent 2+ versus what they had before.
  16. SIAP, but the BYU band did a Big 12 tribute show last weekend and played the fight songs of all current members, including Texas Fight.
  17. I am so tired of this crap already (SIAP - didn't see it earlier in thread). I don't know, maybe it's called scouting your opponent and watching game film? https://247sports.com/Article/coaches-gave-oregon-intel-on-how-to-beat-colorado-keyshawn-johnson-claims-as-buffaloes-prep-for-usc-216916134/
  18. First-time visit yesterday to Barber Hills trails up north of Paris (about 5min from the OK state line). Really impressed - lots of variety between easy (like RCP or Harry Moss) and intermediate (Northshore, Big Cedar, Boulder etc). In 2 hours of moving time I covered 15 miles and 1,299’ of elevation gain, but it’s mostly pretty subtle climbs so it didn’t wear me out. And you get the benefit of some fun downhills, piney tree cover, loamy soil and pretty views of Pat Mayse Lake. Topped it off with solid BBQ from Scholl Bros. in downtown Paris. A good day overall.
  19. Such an underrated film - that only gets better with age.
  20. Good read... https://www.dmagazine.com/sports/2023/08/the-fall-and-rise-of-sergio-kindle/
  21. So far, Dykes has been smarter than that in his season-preview interviews. We'll see if that holds up. Also, say what you want about Yormark, he's the primary reason the Big 12 is in a stronger position than I expected at this point (and the Pac 12 has gone teats up).
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