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Everything posted by HoustonFrog

  1. Explicitly supports terrorism? Huh? I hate that the left side encourages massive protests and riots while at the same time encouraging everyone else to stay in small groups and/or not go out. All while screaming “science” like it’s some black and white thing. At some point we have to realize almost nothing is black and white, it’s all gray. Anyways. I sort of regret my vote with each passing day
  2. How else am I supposed to interpret the specific situation I presented? Also - I very clearly said I think some things were not done well/poorly. I hate the way the left has moved. It’s gone from a party that I believe is the party that respects everyone/most to the party that hates everyone that doesn’t think like them. The right was already there, and still is, I’m not sure why the left joined them.
  3. Oh no no - my issue is the hypocrisy. You want restrictions? Ok. But be consistent. Don’t tell me that 50 of us sitting apart outside somewhere is more dangerous than a thousand people protesting in the streets In regards to the virus, it’s a cluster. The more we’ve learned the less solution we have. I don’t necessarily blame or give credit to anyone. You look at our peer countries and it’s having just about the same effect at all of them (except Germany), just at different intervals. Plenty of things we should have done better, but I wouldn’t wish this on any President. Easy to Monday morning quarterback this thing, and will continue to be going forward.
  4. I’m pretty libertarian, but generally just on the left side of what I’d call moderate. Thus I’ve voted for Democrats in every election since I could vote. With great pain, I voted Trump. I thoroughly reject some of the extreme positions the left side has taken since COVID hit and the hypocrisy. Probably somewhat personal also as we were forced to watch my wife’s grandmothers funeral (COVID) on a computer due to extreme funeral attendance limitations and then a week later there are tens of thousands in the streets with hardly a word. As much as I generally rail on the horribleness of Trump and many of his vocal supporters, I want my vote to be an opinion on my distaste with where the left side is going. Honestly my vote is pretty much up for grabs each election, Obama was easy. But these past two elections is basically a giant lose lose. Great work all involved in politics, you’re all terrible
  5. Yeah I was starting to feel decent again, but based on events in last two weeks, I’d be surprised if I’m employed through all of 2021. Fucking sucks
  6. The CDC has this highlighted at the very top of their COVID page. After you get COVID you can continue testing positive for the next three months. That’s why all the football conferences have said don’t need to test for three months after having it. At this point in time it’s virtually impossible for anyone in the USA to have had it three separate times
  7. Looks like Exxon letting go 1,900 from Houston office
  8. COVID restrictions going into full effect in Europe are going to be bad. And I assume some are coming to America also. I wouldn’t be shocked to see November - February start to look more like April. Thinking many people are going to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas travel plans, especially if not feasible to drive
  9. She’s 6’0”? Geez. Figured she was like 5’9” or 5’10”.
  10. Yeh I wonder if Sabalenka is going to go Halep on us and get a reduction. That being said Sabalenka is a little bigger than Halep but I think the boobs aren’t quite as large. Halep had like DDs on her frame
  11. But what about the two doctors? I simply don’t understand how that can be real. Or the fax guy? The moment someone talks to me with another person videoing I’m out in a split second
  12. Why would you ever sign anything? It’s very confusing to me
  13. I’m confused why any of these people would agree to have their faces shown or be included in the movie. Not to mention there’s a camera guy, no way. Don’t they have to consent?
  14. UK, Spain, Italy have similar rates. France isn’t far behind. Germany is the strange outlier there. Brazil and the rest of SAmerica is similar. I don’t think we did a good job, but it’s not as absurd as people have made it out to be.
  15. Is there a single country with over 25MM people that has successfully done this? What’s a “sufficiently low level”? How long?
  16. Although we keep hearing “people are inside more in fall and winter”, but is that actually true for Texas? I can speak for my family and say that we stay indoors significantly more in May - September than the rest of the year
  17. We recently went on a scenic vacation away from everything. Kids had a great time, always happy although they slept poorly which was painful for us. Definitely feel like we are running out of things to do at home. On a positive side for the kids - we’ve bought so many more toys than I would have ever considered just to try and mix it up. But I’m sure as most parents have found out, if you give a kid a toy they’re going to ask for another in 73 seconds
  18. Best of luck to you. It’s hard and we don’t have it as difficult as you. We’ve had some brief respites with some family close. But nothing like before... basically 7 straight months of constant kid care without 75% of our usual distractions available. You said it perfectly about when a funk goes through the house it’s basically a week of hell with limited options. I’d definitely say my wife is borderline depressed for first time I’ve seen. I’m probably not far behind. Can’t go into office, just at home all day every day
  19. Yeah we had to run through the calendar/counting days thing today as some friends told us they just tested positive. The entire family tested positive which is kind of crazy because the kids are 3 and 6mos. First kids that young I’ve personally known to get it... my kids of exact same age didn’t get it when I had it. This is probably the 4th time we’ve had to do the counting days and contact tracing thing since March and it’s wearing on us. Completely shutting our lives down is virtually impossible with two little kids.
  20. I’ve blocked everything else out but CDC guidance. It’s made life easier. They have a giant box on their website that says they don’t know much of anything about reinfection. All they know is that you almost certainly have a three month window after having it where you are clear. With 40MM worldwide cases you would think there would be more reports of people getting it again (outside of 3 month window). That gives me some hope that most people carry some type of immunity for much longer than 3 months.
  21. And probably an equal chance I get a flu that puts me in hospital. Or some other weird sickness/disease. For me (30, active, not overweight, no medical conditions) the stats just don’t support getting a case of COVID that is severe. I believe the fatality rate in my group is similar to the flu. This fucking virus is a disaster in how it impacts the elderly at a devastating rate and the other somewhat random people it affects severely. I don’t really know how the world handles it, it’s not going anywhere. There is no time horizon where it disappears I’d hate to be in government and places like CDC right now. I can’t see an answer.
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