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Everything posted by HoustonFrog

  1. James still plays for a major league team?
  2. 31 with a 2.5 yr old and 1 yr old. Always tired Spent three hours in the children’s ER last night because my son (2.5 yr old) busted his chin open at park and needed five stitches. Had to sedate him and all that because he’s so young. Fucking nightmare. Only allow one parent in hospital with them so I took the burden and did it. Having your two year old get an IV strapped to their hand is something
  3. I don’t understand why we are holding onto the hope of LMJ being a good starting pitcher.
  4. Yep. It’s all over. In two years the movie industry won’t look anything like it did in February 2020
  5. So you let him gut the franchise with two awful moves (Tunsil and Hopkins) and then fire him.
  6. When Tenet busted, it out the industry in panic
  7. I’m late to the party here - but didn’t realize Verlander would be out for the entire 2021 and very possibly done as an Astro. Yikes
  8. Peanut Butter Falcon was really good
  9. I’m not sure if possible, but if it is, I’d do everything possible to take this shitty “opportunity” to leave Energy
  10. It’s highly highly unlikely for hurricanes to make it to Texas in October Probably got a Cat5 now
  11. Down Cole, Verlander, Alvarez, Osuna from last year.... 2nd round of playoffs is impressive.
  12. I’m kind of in middle ground. I’m never actually away from my computer for more than 20 minutes, except occasionally during lunch hours. During this work from home I’ve probably put in more hours than when I was at office with less “gaps” in activity. That being said I do pull up ESPN and the 247 TCU board a couple times a day from the work computer and we use Skype for some convos that probably should be text messages. I’ve tried to warn people from putting dumb stuff in Skype, especially curse words, but some still do
  13. Yeah I would strongly prefer full time automated
  14. The moment both Serena and Venus are out of a tournament is a great moment.
  15. Insanity baseball hasn’t moved to automated strike zone or at least a challenge system
  16. Supposedly the SW quadrant going to get some relief this morning, although likely coming back later. But might be enough to save some people And yeah the SpaceCity guys missed this one a bit. They were basically flawless on Laura, but missed here some. To be fair - one of them had a baby yesterday or the day before so it’s been a one man show
  17. 8” in my area near Buffalo Bayou west of beltway 8
  18. Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
  19. If not for drafting Watson, this would be a bottom five franchise. I’d be curious to see the experts’ grade on Tunsil so far this season
  20. Yeah I’ve basically checked out. I hated the BoB hire and it’s been worse than anticipated
  21. Undoubtedly. My conscious just feels better
  22. Side note - I’ve found that COVID has actually turned into an awesome time for dining out and seeing movies. I can go to a restaurant, nobody is inside, and let my kids do whatever they want because nobody is there. I was the only person in my Tenet showing, remarkable and no risk.
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