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Everything posted by HoustonFrog

  1. Alcaraz just got beat in 4 by Zverev. Pretty big upset. Nadal v Djokovic coming up in 30 minutes or so
  2. Yeh Gosling needs to be in more dark comedy. Hilarious
  3. It was not a balk. Every single announcer/baseball person has said the same. Absolutely terrible call. Wasn’t going to change the game, but the call was awful, the ejection was horrendous for signaling for the intentional walk and the suspension is insane
  4. HoustonFrog


    That’s what I initially thought too but then after thinking a bit, why would Candy drive over to someone’s house where other people know she’s going/leaving, kill her, and do basically nothing with the body or alibi? I have no idea if there’s a charge for unnecessary overreaction (axing her 40+ times), but seems like the most reasonable situation is that the woman confronted her about the affair and attacked Candy, and then Candy acted in self defense ultimately resulting in killing her and then going crazy in the struggle. I see no reasonable way any half rationale person in Candys situation would have committed murder
  5. So good. Howard, Nacho and Kim have to be some of the most complex, well written characters I’ve ever seen. Saul not far behind And fucking Lalo. Takes every BB villain to next level
  6. Nah I think next week is episode #6, and the after that is the mid-season finale (episode #7). And then the final six episodes later this summer
  7. Didn’t Kim say to Jimmy after the boxing fight “you know what’s coming next” maybe implying getting caught was part of the plan
  8. So how did the twins show up to the motel right after the phone call?
  9. So how did the twins show up to the motel right after the phone call?
  10. Worth noting that this ridiculous tournament always schedules stupid late matches. I’d love to know why. My guess is they are trying to get as much attendance as possible to keep the tournament afloat but seems bizarre
  11. If they are smart they will create a 5-10 minute recap and air it prior to first episode as well as putting on YouTube a week ahead of time
  12. Marty, Ruth and Charlotte and maybe Omar are the only things keeping this show together/watchable
  13. This. Made no sense, should have been first one dead. Agent Miller decision to go blindfolded was just funny how stupid it was. Marty and Ruth carry the show. Charlotte is solid also. The son is turning into a caricature.
  14. Tom Brady is the only counterpoint to that argument, otherwise pretty much true
  15. I’ve seen Tenet three times and it’s been better each time. But it’s certainly way too confusing for it’s own good.
  16. Definitely the biggest change from the movie to book is Cliff
  17. I just finished the book. I thought it was good, not great. It definitely answered a few of the questions from the movie.
  18. Yeah - Wandavision is one of best Marvel creations, tv or movie. Loki is really solid also, and the most important show for setting up the next stage of Marvel (I think). Skip Winter Soldier/Falcon and Hawkeye is pretty mediocre also
  19. Wonder if the Double Eagle guys made him an offer he couldn’t refuse
  20. Amado was awesome. Was rooting for him
  21. Just curious how you sales people who have traveled extensively have handled this sudden change. Most sales people I know enjoy the travel aspect, it’s a reason they do the job. Can’t imagine that being taken away is easy. On the other hand, a good friend is in restructuring consulting at a large player and the downside of his job (from his view) is the travel and being in a hotel ~150-200 nights/year depending on the year. That suddenly got removed so his job is out of this world good now
  22. It was solid but I’ll never consider watching again. The son and Dad were great, everyone else pretty iffy especially the sister. The ten rings power/graphics is awesome though, hope he’s part of next Avengers or whatever happens in future smash up movies
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