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Everything posted by patrickdrinksbeer

  1. Stone managed to spend itself into so much debt they had to sell out. Acquired by Sapporo. I guess Greg Koch can go away now.
  2. your beer and his are both made by the same company.
  3. well thanks for waiting until after the chronicle wrote about it to share.
  4. what a complete shit show of a game. really pathetic effort tonight.
  5. what do you know? i know nothing but this wouldn’t surprise me at all.
  6. Tejas BBQ trailer will be at Great Heights today at 5pm if there’s anyone on this thread who enjoys beer and barbecue.
  7. For all you Houston folks, Tejas Barbecue trailer will be at my brewery at 5pm this evening. Great opportunity to sample their wares without driving all the way to Tomball. Great Heights Brewing Company 938 Wakefield Dr
  8. ha. InBev owned “local.”
  9. RIP City Acre Brewing (Houston)
  10. Turner Carreker of soft drink money. https://www.dmagazine.com/sports/2022/05/turner-carreker-thats-the-name-of-the-guy-booted-from-the-mavs-game/
  11. Yesterday hit up Matt’s for a Jucy Lucy, Fulton Brewing, InBound Brewing, Indeed Brewing, Psycho Suzi’s, and Modist again Matt’s is a total hole in the wall. Burger was good. Not mind blowing, but worth the effort. Fulton seemed like a cool space but the vibe sucked for some reason. Just didn’t feel like a fun place. InBound served me the worst commercial beer I’ve had in years. Undrinkable IPA. Indeed was great. Psycho Suzi’s for great sunset tiki drinks on the Mississippi and solid enough pizza. The coffee lager at Modist has been my favorite beer of the trip so far. Sounds awful, but tastes great. Dinner reservation at Bar La Grassa tonight.
  12. Just got in Monday afternoon. Hit up an industry thing at Blackstack and then ate at Surly. Finished with a couple at Modist before waking back to hotel. About to head to convention center for trade show and seminars. Not sure what extracurriculars are on tap today.
  13. this guy fucks. seriously, thanks! hope you enjoy.
  14. awesome show—it was my first time to see MMJ. also first time at white oak. loved the venue but the parking situation was fucked. prepaid for the B lot and it took nearly 30 minutes of waiting in line in my car to enter lot.
  15. the deranged idiots who claim to like the sound of the train horn can get bent
  16. bump. heading to minneapolis first week of may for craft brewers conference. staying at embassy suites downtown. i’ve got all the breweries bookmarked, but would love some downtownish food recs since it’s been 2.5 years (precovid) since this thread was active. also top current brewery choices from [mention=2568]TexasHooch[/mention] and [mention=1238]Al_4_ISU[/mention] if you’ve got time. bummed the twins won’t be in town.
  17. did we RIP Legal Draft and Armadillo Aleworks?
  18. To set the record straight, a pint of Guinness has about 160 calories.
  19. sounds like no gordon for the next week and a half
  20. the guy right above him recommended some show called “seinfeld”
  21. lotta rolling experience, that guy.
  22. i assume the title sponsor is covering it and $0 comes from cumulus.
  23. had to look this up. literally never heard of huffman.
  24. we’re all still drinking beer, right? my first beer of the year is roughly my 50 sierra nevada celebration since thanksgiving week.
  25. April 18, 2006, Astros reach .500 for first time in franchise history (since their inaugural season) at 3507-3507. May 4, 2006, the astros reached 4 games over .500 for franchise history at 3516-3512, the high-water mark for franchise history. May 14, 2006, the Astros began the day at 3519-3519 all-time, but would lose and fall below .500. They've been below .500 since.
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