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Everything posted by patrickdrinksbeer

  1. i’ve lived in houston for 32 of my 40 years and i have never heard of charnwood.
  2. wow, i didn’t realize it was that big. after reading a couple more articles about them, i wouldn’t be shocked if they’re in for $4-5M to get the place open.
  3. looks awesome on instagram. breakside is a great pedigree but typically youngish brewers aren’t flush with cash. curious where all the $$$ comes from. more than a couple million into this place already.
  4. he’s literally never pitched even 140 innings in a season. i wouldn’t easily dismiss that kind of offer if i was him.
  5. i was just talking to a buddy about what LMJ’s open market value would be if he was a FA this off-season. I don’t think he would get anywhere near $15M/yr. He’s never reached 130 IP in his career. Of course a healthy season in 2021 changes that.
  6. altuve would get thrown out at home on a 1-hopper to RF? come on, man.
  7. been trying to figure this out myself. i guess if TB wins they’ll try to get the game in before NFL starts, so an 8am first pitch.
  8. 4 years isn’t signing Springer unless the AAV starts with a 3. Interesting perspective on Reddick though. I’d probably offer him 4/$125M and hope he can be a suitable late inning defensive replacement. Definitely cut JV to save cap space. That’s a no-brainer.
  9. your beer glass is filthy. those little bubbles clinging to the interior told me.
  10. Ayinger was my favorite but it didn’t advance its round. Other guys didn’t rank it highly. This year’s Sierra Nevada was included and was unanimously the worst beer of the night. Shocked me because I’ve loved their last few versions that were collaborations with German breweries. I think covid prevented that this year.
  11. Did an Oktoberfest blind tasting with a few friends last night. We had 15 different beers, separated into flights advancing through 3 rounds and Samuel Adams actually won the damned thing.
  12. correa xrays negative. bruised ankle. i assumed he was going to lose the leg with the way he had to be carried off the field.
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