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Everything posted by patrickdrinksbeer

  1. Flying Saucer downtown is the best beer bar in Houston. They’ll probably have something from Live Oak on tap. Both Live Oak and Altstadt are available at any HEB or Kroger.
  2. wanna give us at least one sentence about the book?
  3. we’re doing baseball trivia at Great Heights Brewing next Thursday as a warm-up before the regular season kicks off. http:// https://www.facebook.com/share/ZafgE7t6KEWbhr2w/?mibextid=9l3rBW i’m actually writing and hosting so if we have a surly team, let me know.
  4. May December. I don’t think there was a single scene in this movie i enjoyed watching.
  5. tune up can mean to adjust something to make it work more efficiently (e.g. a furnace) or to beat handily (e.g. ALCS gm7). that really wasn’t too difficult.
  6. My pig found itself smart enough to hop over the barrier from his pen to the next pen and eat all of that pig’s food, and go to the next one and eat all of that pig’s food, and the next one and eat all of that pig’s food and make his way back in time when it was my time to feed him he had already eaten 3 meals and was sitting there waiting for me and I would feed him and he would eat that and that’s why he gained so much weight and got sifted at the fat stock show.
  7. i’m strictly vintage baseball, but here are my latest additions.
  8. i had never heard of this place before like a week ago and have no idea what’s going on, but this is a weird IG post
  9. looks like every group has at least one HoF except for NL SS.
  10. definitely interested in more about belgium in december. planning a trip for brussels & bruges for next december. beer will be drank.
  11. before one minute ago, i had never heard of princeton, tx, much less big spray brewing. and i’m fairly plugged into the texas craft beer scene.
  12. no one lines up on release day any more and sour beer as category is waaaaay down.
  13. in greater dallas area for thanksgiving and decided to check out oak cliff brewing today. never been before. ordered oak cliff ipa which is described on menu as “old school west coast ipa” i asked dude "this is the west coast?" “yeah. “ "is this the bottom of the keg or something?" "might be"
  14. i think westbound & down may be the best brewery in colorado
  15. those are the names of hop varietals used in the beer
  16. two new IPAs for my brewery’s 6th anniversary party:
  17. is francona actually a FA or are their unfulfilled years on his cleveland deal that would require a release or compensation?
  18. kyle, my brother in christ, please deliver us defeat.
  19. such an enormous AB by dubon to make it a 1-run game.
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