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Everything posted by patrickdrinksbeer

  1. what is that? they ripped off st. arnold??
  2. before one minute ago, i had never heard of princeton, tx, much less big spray brewing. and i’m fairly plugged into the texas craft beer scene.
  3. no one lines up on release day any more and sour beer as category is waaaaay down.
  4. in greater dallas area for thanksgiving and decided to check out oak cliff brewing today. never been before. ordered oak cliff ipa which is described on menu as “old school west coast ipa” i asked dude "this is the west coast?" “yeah. “ "is this the bottom of the keg or something?" "might be"
  5. i think westbound & down may be the best brewery in colorado
  6. those are the names of hop varietals used in the beer
  7. two new IPAs for my brewery’s 6th anniversary party:
  8. the old label was so classic.
  9. is francona actually a FA or are their unfulfilled years on his cleveland deal that would require a release or compensation?
  10. kyle, my brother in christ, please deliver us defeat.
  11. such an enormous AB by dubon to make it a 1-run game.
  12. robbie grossman has got to be the worst player to ever hit 3rd in an LCS elimination game
  13. you’re telling me. i watched it from hospital room where my wife was in labor with our first kid.
  14. these could possibly work in katy. would fail miserably in the city, proper. i don’t know why someone would want to pay franchise royalties for a brand VERY few texans have ever heard of. create your own thing.
  15. they sell franchised taprooms where no actual brewing is done. i haven’t seen this news so i can’t say for sure that’s what is happening.
  16. happy kick-the-shit-outta-scherzer day!
  17. seems obvious
  18. hard to scratch out a win regardless of what your SP does when 2 through 5 are 0-11.
  19. seriously inexcusable. it’s 90 fucking feet.
  20. he was nasty af in that 9th inning
  21. does wallet victim guy have an alibi?
  22. Toronto with a stacked bench this afternoon.
  23. for fucks sake
  24. ok, so they only win division in a 3-way tie. what’s that tie breaker?
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