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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Look at the big bankroll on Greenspoint, they are higher per pound than actual brisket.
  2. Do the wagyu steaks with the high fat content cook quicker?
  3. Have you priced eggs lately? Chickens must have unionized.
  4. The temp of the liquid has an effect as well, warm stock will not separate as much. It all comes together either way.
  5. A heated brick or similar item wrapped in a towel works great too. Food danger zone is the 40-140° and length of time.
  6. RMac5


    On the oven method, can you just brown the flour and then finish on the stove? Seems like that could an option as well, might be easier too.
  7. I’d grill it with just S&P if it were me. Also love it pounded down and chicken fried with white gravy.
  8. RMac5


    My first gumbo in 2025. The last few times I have used equal parts oil and flour by weight and not volume, I really think I prefer it. This time I used poblano pepper in place of the green bell, not sure I can tell a difference, just not a fan of green bells. Did the shot or two of soy sauce, bo taste damn good. I really like boiled eggs soaking in there during the two hour simmer. Didn’t cook my rice long enough this time, it needed a few more minutes. Still, all was damn good.
  9. That is my exact issue, I’m not a fan of the high proof bourbons. I typically drink bourbon OTR or neat, maybe I need to let it sit for a minute and let some ice melt.
  10. Weller fan as well, need to revisit the 107, wasn’t a huge fan the first time I tried it. Had two bottles and gave one to a buddy who was looking for one. Will probably love it now that I gave one away.
  11. Again, this place is awesome. I will reach out @Bevo and @Fat Bastard. Thanks to all who responded.
  12. My dad wore this exact brand and skin my whole life, great boots!
  13. Cows will eat it and the sacks it came in and the tractor.
  14. You guys are awesome! Really appreciate the help. Would absolutely travel to wherever is needed. Not sure how to proceed, guessing get the results of the MRI in February and see what that shows. I am assuming the three hour MRI would be half with contrast and half without?
  15. If you like mushrooms, that soup recipe on here that bounces around is incredible and keto friendly.
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