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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Friends that live on Table Rock had the same or similar helicopters last week.
  2. I want to say mine is a 1:14, wish it was faster as well.
  3. Yep! Can put it in the ear hole of anything, pleasure to shoot as well. Head and neck shots and they drop like a hammer. If you are meat hunting,don’t shoot ‘em in the meat
  4. If I only hunted Texas and could only have one rifle, no doubt it would be the 22-250. Kills everything !
  5. Yeah I love being in there and they do have great food. Love their hand battered onion rings and burgers. CFS is worth ordering as well. Didn’t know he was an aggy, he was a good dude like you said. There was an old man sitting at the bar that was curious if I had been bird hunting since I still had my Chipp boots on, really enjoyed visiting with him.
  6. Where are they buying the felt cowboy UT hats? If it’s already posted my bad. Are these hats any good?
  7. Did some feeder and blind work yesterday getting ready for bow season. Stopped in at Cattle Drive Cafe for supper, damn good food in there if you are in the neighborhood. This is in Coleman, Texas btw.
  8. You chose correctly, damn that looks good.
  9. Guess BBQ in Waco is the same. Never overly busy during peak lunch hours, worried about them.
  10. My maiden voyage on flour tortillas. I made a batch of chorizo yesterday and wanted to try tortillas. Taste great, my rolling skills will take some time.
  11. I have two pair of the Black Jack boots, they are considerably better than any of the AB boots I own.
  12. I think we use whatever oil is convenient, don’t recall there being much if any difference. Bacon grease, now that makes a difference, even if it’s psychological:)
  13. We call it closing the eye. We spoon the hot grease over the egg instead of flipping it over. Fried egg with a runny yolk for the win.
  14. Looks sunny side up from here.
  15. RMac5


    I love potato salad in a gumbo, hard boiled eggs are damn good too. @harpercollins thanks for the etouffee recipe, it looks great. How much of the green onion do you add?
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