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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Love Stetson hats, shame how their brand got screwed! Great looking hats @billfromlaketravis!
  2. Was in LV at the Fontainebleau, hotel was great. We had tickets for Keith Urban which is a great concert. Favorite meal this weekend was at Piero’s. Had the sea bass, so damn good.
  3. Sounds like they did that to Marilyn Monroe, I had no idea that was even a rumor.
  4. I’ve been using a guy in Georgetown, he does great work. He’s on Instagram, durbs_leather.
  5. @billfromlaketravis Let’s see that bad boy! Got a hankerin for a new lid, might get in touch with Catalena.
  6. I don’t think the wind will be an issue in the morning. You gotta chop ice tomorrow?
  7. 4° currently in Amarillo, calling for a -2 by morning.
  8. On my search for a bottle of 1924 I ran across this bad boy. They wanted 325, I passed on it and struck out on the 1924.
  9. WF has several great burger joints, have you tried Pat’s?
  10. Leftover boudin link deviled eggs. Sorry for the ritz crackers, that bag was already open.
  11. RMac5

    Getting old sucks

  12. RMac5

    Getting old sucks

    Ordered me a pair of hearing aids, guess it’s better than not hearing. Getting old does suck. I ordered the Jabra Enhance 500’s, any feedback on performance?
  13. I remember when that happened to that young child at a resort in Florida. Seems like the hotel had signs about FAFO and alligator warnings, parents didn’t heed the warning.
  14. @Trey3216 that chipotle cheddar sausage at Guess was one of my favorites.
  15. Hate it for Guess BBQ, I loved their damn food. As Trey said, writing has been on the wall for a while. I would think there are more closures to come.
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