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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. Have that exact press and love it!
  2. That looks like the horseshit @ChampKind used to serve.
  3. Looks like Ariat has a custom boot process.
  4. Thank you! They really are badass.
  5. We have a new puppy. We had to put down one of our two Minnie Aussies last May, just about had to put me down with her, really miss the ol girl. Here is Maggie, she is a MA too. She is about 16 weeks old in this picture.
  6. Ate at Storm’s in Hamilton, still a great burger.
  7. Will he help me with my pizza crust? @DalTxHornFan
  8. Great stuff, thanks again. Used the cayenne and red pepper flakes as well.
  9. Found me some OF24, actually found 5-6 but only purchased 1. They had OF KR too, it was $95 and the 24 was $115. I am drinking the 24 right now, it’s good and pretty easy drinking, not overly impressed. Should have bought a KR to do a side by side comparison. Live and learn
  10. @mchookem, thanks for the recipe, it was a huge hit around my house. We will definitely put this in the rotation. I used the ol coonass magnalite roaster just for authenticity. Appreciate amigo!
  11. That’s his wife’s hand.
  12. That’s great, fire control trumps all when it comes to brisket imho. Did you get the meat at a grocery store?
  13. Looks great, are you happy with the brisket?
  14. What’s a fair price on that out in the wild?
  15. Damn dude ‘That meat and backyard kick all sorts of ass!
  16. Thanks for the recipe, will make it this weekend. I’m in the same boat, no fresh, just frozen. Enjoy Colorado.
  17. @mchookem will you share the recipe? Thanks.
  18. That crawfish etouffee looks so damn good.
  19. Maybe throw a loose piece of foil on top.
  20. I think it only fair that I get a 24 and a KR so I can have my own side by side comparison. Need a 24 too but that’s another story. Thanks for the replies.
  21. What’s a fair retailer price for the King Ranch? I saw a few bottles the other day for around $100. Want to say they were $96, just don’t remember for sure.
  22. Made some 72 hour pizza dough, it was just okay. I think I need to increase my hydration level to around 64% I also let my fire temp have to big of swings. Anyway, pizza’s tasted good, just still need more dough work and practice.
  23. Love Stetson hats, shame how their brand got screwed! Great looking hats @billfromlaketravis!
  24. Was in LV at the Fontainebleau, hotel was great. We had tickets for Keith Urban which is a great concert. Favorite meal this weekend was at Piero’s. Had the sea bass, so damn good.
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