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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. Great looking truck, what brand tire did you go with? Mine gets new casins on Monday, hate buying fucking tires.
  2. Papasito’s are the GOAT when it comes to fajitas.
  3. Ordered the same at Jay’s in Abilene. This was my first time to eat there, I thought the brisket was kind of dry.
  4. He’s looking for love.
  5. What are you using for a sleeping bag?
  6. @Texzilla58 yeah it’s my favorite as well. Love sitting outside when the temps are accomidating. We buy their sage steak seasoning and use it on ny strips, it’s fantastic.
  7. Those are so damn good.
  8. We should win it all then.
  9. They eat good!
  10. How does that fuckstick get access to a toddler?
  11. Still beats working.
  12. The bucks in Mills County are chasing the does for sure. Saw a great buck a week or so ago but didn’t see him this week. Trying to kill him with a bow and couldn’t get a clear shot at him, I’m afraid the neighbors with the boom stick will shoot him this weekend. He didn’t get big by being dumb, hope he stays on our place. @BabaYaga guess where I ate lunch today? It was so damn good too. Needed something hardy after sitting in a cold blind for three mornings.
  13. No telling what it cost for her to shoot that dude.
  14. Congrats amigo. Why an offshore closing?
  15. That is a beast.
  16. Judge must have been a woman.
  17. One of my absolute favorites, looks great.
  18. So you like the dick vein but in a different flavor?
  19. Really hate to hear that about Valentina’s, seems like a good dude. They went all out on their new digs, no telling what their nut is every month to keep the doors open.
  20. I have a good buddy that has killed quite a few critters, mostly with a bow. He killed a book brown bear a few years ago with the bow
  21. Some amazing trophy’s.
  22. Do they get pissed off when you grill them?
  23. Fuck yes! Damn that looks incredible.
  24. Having Bochy as the manager was just as crucial.
  25. I have heard that Nilgai is top of the charts as well, seems like @deadshank mentioned it. I have heard Axis is damn good as well, need to put an arrow thru an axis!
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