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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. I haven’t perfected a Neapolitan dough yet, don’t think I’m stretching it thin enough.
  2. Hurry up and cook that pizza and learn me on dough!
  3. Hell yes! Fuck aggy!
  4. Love all the answers, biggest punch in my arsenal is the 45-70, it’s a beast for sure. I have the Marlin in S/S, prolly had it 15 years, crazy what they are bringing now $$$! That 45-70 pistol is badass!
  5. That’s cool, they had to have known each other.
  6. If you could seriously only have one caliber of rifle and finding ammo wasn’t an issue what would it be? Mine would be the 25-06, I love that round.
  7. Green chile double double for supper Thursday.
  8. My great great great…. Grandfather. He started a baptist church south of McGregor in the 1850’s.
  9. Hope they all have hunting accidents.
  10. We used to field dress where they fell, the processor we use now is ten minutes from the ranch and charges an extra $10 to gut em. I let him do everything now.
  11. And cost double what you thought you would save doing it yourself. Good news is, you probably got some new tools out of the deal.
  12. ^^^^ completely agree, and a pleasure to shoot.
  13. Not sure if his one is still there but it’s a great looking rifle. It’s at Cabelas in Minnesota. Sako Vixen in 222.
  14. Pops knows what’s up!
  15. Their website says the RDH is $10, not sure if that’s up to date.
  16. Egg bacon and potatoes under that slab of brisket.
  17. Real Deal Holyfield breakfast taco at Valentina’s is the GOAT. All of their food is incredible and they seem to be very quality peeps.
  18. Can I send mine down there for cleaning?
  19. Salmon is easy and quick.
  20. That dude is evil looking, eyes like a venomous snake.
  21. You dog! Love CB, we go there every year, actually we go to Lake City every year and make day trips to CB. Lake City is where we were wanting to buy something but the market priced us out during COVID. I’m envious for sure.
  22. Where in Co. If you don’t mind, just curious, wanted to buy something there but the COVID real estate price increase kicked me out. Sucks to be poor!
  23. Freakin love that smell.
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