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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. Could be as simple as using more pepper.
  2. @utxmike05 thanks for all the details. I use a stick rig and mine never get that dark black bark. They get dark, but not black, here is one of the last ones I cooked. This one is darker than what they normally look like. I cook at 275ish, also, I try to keep a water pan in there. Im in Amarillo and it’s typically very dry here. I use oak as well and wrap in paper around 160. They taste good and the color probably doesn’t matter.
  3. And it wasn’t a limited edition!
  4. That’s where two fools met!
  5. @utxmike05 that brisket looks so fucking good, how was it? Did you use oak? Love that black bark, mine always come out kind of a reddish color even though I use oak and S&P. Yours looks perfect, anxious to hear how it tasted, pics don’t always tell the truth.
  6. Looks like a run of heat for a while too. Come on dove season!
  7. They do! Ate there earlier this week, double double, large tots and a coke, was damn good. I grew up in Amarillo and this place has been here forever. It sits a couple blocks north of Rt 66.
  8. Elmo’s in Amarillo.
  9. Thanks a bunch @dbecks, appreciate all the info! I will try to get them purchased tonight. Hope both teams are still in it and the games matter. Will be great just watching these two no matter what.
  10. Looks like we will be in Boston in September and they are at home vs the Yankee’s. Any pointers on trying to choose decent seats? Never been to Fenway and have no clue on where to try to sit. Will be there in September, games are Tuesday and Wednesday. Thanks for any pointers.
  11. Did he get to fondle Vanna?
  12. Yeah I hear them real often too. I live outside Amarillo and they seem to fly over my house on their test runs or whatever they are doing. Can hear them coming from a long ways off.
  13. Ballpark version of brats cooked in beer.
  14. I could eat S&G every day! That shit looks great homie.
  15. RMac5


    Bacon fucks up a good cheeseburger. Brat, my dad was the same way, didn’t want a cheeseburger, he wanted a hamburger.
  16. @Steel Shank where did you get that sausage on the mustard rope sandwich?
  17. Looks damn good Rojo.
  18. Put me behind Mr. Brat as having an interest in the 30-30.
  19. Fuck a thief! If bad shit happens to you while committing a crime, tough shit.
  20. Wordle 291 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜🟨⬜ 🟨🟩⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  21. Wordle 290 4/6 ⬜🟨⬜🟩⬜ ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨 🟨⬜🟨🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  22. @52-80 My favorite place for Neapolitan is in Coleman, Texas of all places. They use a 3 day fermentation as well, been wanting to try it sometime. Yours looks great! https://www.ranchopizzeria.com/
  23. @tequila that looks damn good! My first pizza was a cluster, made it to the trash.
  24. I usually let β€˜em go down the drain unless I need them.
  25. That could be the poster child of this thread.
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