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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. I bet that fat fucker lowers the striking distance average.
  2. That roasted yardbird looks damn good amigo!
  3. In SF a couple of weeks ago, had the griddled polenta at Pasqual’s, everything they serve is so damn good.
  4. Baked salmon with a couple of poached eggs and a quart of hollandaise.
  5. Have any lever guns or wheel guns?
  6. No head?
  7. https://www.sp4k.org/ We used to volunteer as a family but now just donate. It’s a great local organization.
  8. I bought this 45-70 from a lady that only shot it a couple of times, she decided she would rather have the same gun in a 30-30. I paid her $900 for the gun and scope. This was about 7 years ago though. Crazy how expensive these have become. Mine is the longer barrel version and doesn’t have the cowboy loop lever.
  9. Looking good Fuck! Mine has the skinny steering wheel too. Seems like the wood ones are $400ish.
  10. That looks great, did you use a rattle can?
  11. Fucking idiot!
  12. So freakin envious! Thanks for the pics.
  13. @justhookit freakin awesome video. Congrats on fishing with dad, loved fishing with mine.
  14. That about $75 worth?
  15. That brisket doesn’t look good.
  16. Smart ass! It is Bushland,,you have a good eye.
  17. Thanks for the help HH! Might just buy a pair of Black Jacks and see what I think, that will give me more time to let Bean try and resolve my boot issue.
  18. Any interest in a large trailer bbq pit? It’s a 500 gallon tank on a tandem trailer. Some of you may recognize this pit, let’s not get all that started. Feel free to reach out directly if you want to discuss live. Figured it would get more traction here than in the classifieds. It’s in Amarillo currently but would deliver it or meet somewhere. 8o6-679-oo05. $6K
  19. Can’t be near as good as camel toe fat.
  20. Thanks for the info, helps tons. I’m having an issue with a pair of AB boots that were defective. Long story short, they told me they would work with me and Cavenders to make it right. Been almost a year and no boots. I have several pair of AB boots, mostly exotic skins and have been very happy until now. Thinking I may start buying Black Jack boots going forward. Will probably buy some caimen and ostrich in next few weeks and feel sure it will be the Jack’s.
  21. That sounds like a great plan. I have no idea what we might face in the future but a smoked brisket will always help the situation.
  22. I love my AB’s but am considering some Black Jack caimen boots. I have lots of Cavenders gift cards and think I might try a pair. Cost wise, they are about the same price.
  23. I ate there 4-5 months ago and the pork chop was incredible.
  24. Where did we land on Black Jack boots? Are they worth the price, they are about the same as AB.
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