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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. Somebody needs to talk the tent rental folks into a better deal. Tent rental donated by……
  2. RMac5

    What's Your Elevation?

    3819 here in the panhandle. Just googled highest elevation in Texas, it’s Guadalupe Peak with an elevation of 8751.
  3. Brat, any thoughts on this pair? Saw them in a pawn shop right before Covid hit. I was going to research them and follow up with the pawn shop, then Covid showed up and my company stopped our travel, when we were released to travel these were long gone. They look pretty unique.
  4. That sounds like a blast.
  5. Bought it for $800, fkn steal of a price. When I walked in to the pawn shop a dude was looking at it, I couldn’t tell what it was but knew it was something I would be interested in. He handed it back to the employee and walked off. I went and looked at it in the glass case and bout shit my pants when I saw what it was. Then I saw the $800 and did shit my pants, I will post up in the 2022 shart thread later. It’s in great shape too, has a little holster wear but nothing bad at all, especially for a 50 year old gun.
  6. Any snake gun love? Found this at a pawn shop the other day. Colt Diamondback made in the early 70’s
  7. Have you checked Harley’s?
  8. RMac5


    Out of all of my guns, if I could only keep one of them it would be that .22. It’s such a quality rifle and the sentimental piece coming from my parents. Need to look up my SN and see when it was manufactured. Looks like Winchester built the 9422 staring in 1972 an stopped in 2005. Mine is an XTR as well, those were only produced for about 11 years, 1978-1989. I’m sure you @Armybrat already know all of this.
  9. RMac5


    Is that a 9422? I have one from the late 70’s, got it from my parents as a b-day gift or maybe it was Christmas.
  10. RMac5

    Getting old sucks

    I’m in for the AB ho fund.
  11. RMac5


    28g O/U is so damn fun to shoot, they are like a .22 rifle to me.
  12. That video of him at 3ish, he’s a healthy son of a gun. Be hard for most to let him walk and grow up and reach his potential. I would way rather take a great deer every 3-4 years vs a nice deer every year. We are in Mills County and it gets a lot of pressure, wish all the neighbors would let them mature.
  13. Yeah I saw the she, no idea how that came about. Thanks for the age, he looks good. He has a lot more weight in that picture.
  14. @deadshank good looking deer, how old you do you think he is?
  15. How much did you tip them?
  16. Fuck them as well.
  17. Fuck Big Blue and Harbaugh too.
  18. RMac5


    How much for the 30-30’s? I didn’t even look for those. I have to many rifles, if that’s even possible. My two favorite everyday calibers would be the 22-250 and the 30-30, kill everything that needs killin.
  19. RMac5


    Academy in Amarillo had 9mm as well, they do have a 4 box limit. They had a bunch of 28G shotgun shells, $13/box.
  20. Adam is a douche!
  21. Yep, she didn’t age well at all.
  22. Mechanic is getting the motor installed in the 65 mustang. He just texted me this video, sounds good to me. IMG_3935.MOV
  23. Not sure why the elfinix quote. Let’s see if this paste will work.
  24. Damn nice looking car!
  25. White pepper has more horsepower.
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