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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. That’s more like a stock tank.
  2. That Titans defense looked incredible. Fuck OU and fuck Aaron Rodgers, he’s such a prick arrogant motherfucker!
  3. Maya looks like she would bite a pirate if necessary.
  4. 12° In Amarillo with a windchill of -2°
  5. They killed/hunted without $1200 worth of camo?
  6. Metropolitan is a neat restaurant, get the bourbon cobbler if you like bourbon. It’s pretty unique and worth trying. Lone Star is another great place, it’s between Amarillo and PDC. If you are seriously considering the Metro or OHMS, make reservations. We always sit in the bar at those two places but we get there early enough that getting a seat isn’t an issue.
  7. Golden Light for a great burger and fries with ice cold beer. Oldest running restaurant in town, been going for probably 60+ years. It’s on Rt. 66. They have live music on the weekends at the Cantina next door. Steaks and seafood, hit up OHMS downtown.
  8. Damn I’m excited for you. Lots of great info here, as mentioned, no cotton…..cotton kills. Boots are critical. Make sure you have good boots and make sure they are broke in well before the hunt. IMO, boots and rifle are the two most important pieces of gear you will need.
  9. Yeah mine has been slow the last several weeks. I’m waiting on plaster too, curious if the plaster is freeze sensitive. We have had several hard freezes and lots of nights in the low 20’s. I’m hoping that’s why he hasn’t done the plaster and not just dragging shit out. He told me it took 6 weeks for the hot tube stone to show up from when he ordered it.
  10. Damn nice looking car!
  11. Yeah me too, I’ve done mine twice with the flax seed oil. I scraped and sanded it down after the first flaky mess came up. Flax seed oil was expensive too. How are y’all cleaning it after use? I pour water on it while it’s still hot and let it boil/steam all the gunk up. Then I take a wad of paper towels and scrub up all the water mess and let it dry from the residual heat. Put a very light coat of oil on it while it’s still warm.
  12. That looks fn perfect. What’s the cheese sauce recipe, if you don’t mind. How did you season the blackstone, can’t keep mine consistent.
  13. Tell it amigo!
  14. Speaking of Axis, heard the population took a huge hit from the mega freeze last winter. I have heard numbers like 50% in some areas. Have any of you seen these type numbers? Always want to let the air out of one with my bow. Might be harder to do now with less critters. Never had it but have heard it’s the best game meat out there.
  15. Processor in Mills County charges $10 to field dress them if not done in the field. He’s 10 minutes from the ranch so I let him do all of it. Back in the day, I split the pelvic bone when field dressing as well. Made it easier to gut and get the meat cooling.
  16. I can’t sharpen a knife to save my life.
  17. Chris Fowler is the suck with his voice inflections.
  18. Covid seems to have beef prices through the roof. Those tacos look great, been wanting to make them too.
  19. According to their website menu, it’s Porky’s Revenge. It’s topped with a jalapeño coleslaw and a Carolina vinegar sauce.
  20. G
  21. Seen one nekkid woman, seen em all.
  22. Houston having George and Chris Stapleton trumps San Antonio’s list by a bunch. To be quite honest, you bumped your head.
  23. Damnit! I go through there all the damn time and didn’t know it was there. I will be there soon, thanks for the heads up.
  24. Just an FYI on Jacques-Imos, not sure what other restaurants are doing in NO.
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