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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. Tannerite
  2. RMac5


    I have some 30-30 if you are in a bind. 30-30 has probably killed more deer in Texas than any other round.
  3. You see many pigs? I hunt in Mills County and know they are around but I never see any, or their damage. It would be fun to thin them out but I’m actually glad we don’t have any.
  4. That cheek video makes me want to cook them again. I’ve only cooked em once and thought they were a huge pain in the ass, had no idea what I was doing. Cubing them up looks much easier.
  5. I figured Flores would show back up somewhere. Seems like he had a non-compete with the folks that talked him into moving to FTW out of Whitney. His bbq was damn good and i miss the easy access in Whitney.
  6. RMac5

    Dallas | BBQ

    No birria taco?
  7. Freakin love Copenhagen, been off of it for several years now. Hang in there Bert, you will live through it.
  8. Thanks for the info TxEd. I have a landscape guy I’m working with, let me see what his thoughts are and I will follow up on the transformer.
  9. Did any of you add new yard lighting when you built the pool? All we currently have are the recessed can lights under the patio. Thinking I will need to add spot/flood lights on the soffit. Will probably add landscape lighting as well. Any recs?
  10. Thought there was a Dart Bowl enchilada truck or something supposed to open.
  11. The Country Barn in Amarillo used to have apple pie with cheddar on the dessert menu. It was on the menu for years, must have been popular for it to have remained on the menu.
  12. Breakfast biscuits. Made these this morning, forgot we were out of American cheese slices, they were still good.
  13. Thanks bro, my crust was good not great. The cornicione was more chewy, wasn’t lite and airy like I wanted or like. Dough fermentation is obviously a process and needs lots of practice. I’ll get there, just need more practice.
  14. I love having a fire burning, have one going pretty often in the fire pit. Bought a wood fired pizza oven a few months ago, pretty fun to play with. As stated above, the dough is the tricky part, I need more practice for sure. Will post pics of the oven in just a second. My very first pizza was a total disaster, fucker didn’t launch, got all waded up, it launched perfectly in the trash can though.
  15. That’s gonna be loud af. The wall mounted ventless is what I have used in the past.
  16. Oh hell yeah, that looks great.
  17. Bring it!
  18. How many gallons is it? We have a water well, thinking when we fill ours we might hire out a water truck. Not sure if filling a pool puts a strain on the well pump, seems like it would go for hours.
  19. I get it, it’s a tough situation, especially working for tips.
  20. I disagree, server should have some responsibility too.
  21. Most likely will freeze Thursday in Amarillo.
  22. Top Golf and the server will be up shit creek as well.
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