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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. He is a mini me of the original fuck stick.
  2. I just ordered the $9 one from the link. I’m sure I will now get the internet aids or worse.
  3. RMac5


    I know, but I’m somewhat local.
  4. We noticed this too. One of my boys ice cream in the garage freezer was soupy. Weird because other things in the same freezer still seem frozen. Figured it was due to the extreme cold but not sure why this happens. Looks like we will be throwing out a bunch of stuff.
  5. RMac5


    Egg salad sandwiches are great. We have a local place that makes a great one, they sell enough you don’t have to worry about how long it’s been in the walk-in cooler.
  6. RMac5


    I’m dying to try parisa, feel sure I would like it. Need to make a road trip to Medina county and try it.
  7. RMac5


    We have been on the avocado toast and poached egg kick the past couple of weeks.
  8. @Pescado_Rojo sorry for the loss! That’s one of our absolute favorite places. It’s been a while since we’ve been there. Willie is a badass!!! Was Brenda his momma?
  9. Both are damn good. I used to eat at one or the other every week but since c-19 I’m not in the area anymore. Guess has a great chipotle cheese sausage.
  10. Agree on Valentina’s. The Tex-mex truck at Radio Coffee is damn good too. They have a full bar inside Radio Coffee as well as all the coffee options with tons of outdoor seating. Pretty cool setting with lots of distance between tables with the majority of the seating under the canopy of huge oak trees. The owners are distant family so I plug them when I can. https://www.radiocoffeeandbeer.com/
  11. Blue cheese and apricot scones. Thought they tasted great, recipe called for walnuts but I used pecans.
  12. Call first to make sure they are open.
  13. Agree. Those two are by far my favorites.
  14. Grilled two pork loins last night, they make a great meal and are damn cheap. We use the loins for green chile stew as well.
  15. Looks like he ran out of bp.
  16. Completely agree on student loans and being a burden. Universities have become like a car note lot.
  17. I didn’t realize it was just large animals. Still a great deal for those students wanting the education but don’t want to go to aggville. Plus it keeps them somewhat at home and not going to okie lite.
  18. When does Tech open their vet school? I know it’s under construction in Amarillo but not sure on completion. Fucktard aggys decided they would put a vet school at WTAMU in Canyon when Tech started construction on their school.
  19. Don’t feel to bad for them, they will make it up in tuition and carry the note for the student.
  20. Perfect looking cheeseburger.
  21. I know Snow’s is open t0morrow after being closed several weeks. I’m sure the line there will be crazy. I feel bad for all those in the service industry trying to make a go of it. I have ordered bbq from truth and had it shipped, trying to do my part.
  22. I read that LeAnn of La bbq said her business was down about 75% from the rona virus, not sure of exact time frame.
  23. I know lots of one thumbed ropers. Or thumb and a half.
  24. Fuck em, let them have a sandwich.
  25. Yeah I’m passed it, just never want to miss an opportunity to say fuck Mueller. His apprentice disappeared from here too.
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