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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. He referred to the RRS as the OU V Texas game, look dumbass, it’s the fucking TEXAS vs ou sucks game. He’s just here for the paycheck. Also, he mentioned his conversation with Dabo, hopefully he was testing the water for a job.
  2. Thanks! That’s exactly what I needed to know.
  3. Would you do anything different?
  4. @Anastasis is your ooni gas fired or charcoal/wood? I see one listed that is multi fuel, that might be a cool option too.
  5. Hating Urban at Texas and winning is better than hating Mensa at Texas and losing.
  6. From 79124 FIGHT!
  7. Fuck Aaron Rodgers, he is still a whiny bitch.
  8. Tech always plays us big at their house. How many times have we lost in fuckin tortillaville when we were expected to win? Be glad we won, take the W and move on.
  9. Do you expect UT leadership to tweet out how shitty we are?
  10. That’s exactly what I thought of when I first saw the pic.
  11. 15OK/ft
  12. Where is that in Waco?
  13. Is Dozier’s where Mueller 2.0 is cooking? That might explain the tomato soup.
  14. Heifers would be a stretch.
  15. What does the same car without damage cost?
  16. Really wish it could’ve worked out at UT.
  17. These are incredible.
  18. Love pimento cheese, would definitely give that a go.
  19. They make game cameras now that have cellular connections. It can send you pictures of whatever sets the motion sensor off. You can watch deer or hogs or whatever at your feeder in real time. If he has cellular service that might be an option.
  20. Louie Mueller won’t be 9000 degrees this time of year.
  21. Good catch Jerry! Thanks for the correction.
  22. Brett’s Backyard in Rockdale has great bbq, lots of aggyism though. Be sure and check his days/hours, seems like it’s Thursday-Sunday. Sorry to hear about your dad.
  23. They will like him at 135° too!
  24. Won’t be long until they make an appearance in the “shit I’ve cooked” thread.
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