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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. Grocery stores in Amarillo have their roasters going today, wife got a big bag of the hot ones. I love this time of year, Fall is close.
  2. Mid week reuben sandwich was damn good, they didn’t have a rye so went with a pumpernickel, it worked out great.
  3. That brisket looks huge, could be just the cooker size though.
  4. Lake Fork of the Gunnison it is, we were just outside of Lake City. Headed to Pagosa Springs tomorrow, hope we can catch more fish.
  5. Colorado a couple of weeks ago, headed back his weekend. So much to enjoy in Colorado. Hook ‘em!
  6. Saw this one in Georgetown a couple of years ago. He was asking $39K, no idea what these are worth but it’s a great looking car.
  7. Monkey business is still business, you should be good.
  8. Might check the quarantine status of NM, seems like they might have just put one in place. We came through Raton on our way back from Colorado and they had quarantine signs on the side of the road. I didn’t pay to much attention since I wasn’t stopping in NM.
  9. Yeah I agree, it’s supposed to be eaten on the way home. If you need to eat with the family then get two.
  10. I agree on the W12, Antique has to much bite for me.
  11. Finally! Well played amigo.
  12. I found a bottle of Weller CYPB in Colorado last week. Looks like it has marginal reviews, I am a huge W12 fan so I rolled the dice anyway.
  13. Fuck yeah, that looks great. Where did you get the bread recipe? Make some with shredded brisket when you finish those two beast.
  14. Hang a bed bug warning sign on the front door.
  15. Find a Sams Club for fuel and facilities.
  16. Maybe you should opt for the pay version and add scantily clad women.
  17. Ever try pickle juice? I take a big swig out of the dill pickle jar in the fridge, it works for me.
  18. Cheers to all the dad’s, Happy Fathers’s Day!
  19. What type of action are you wanting or do you want an AR?
  20. Restaurant manz that’s a nice set of uhhhhh.........pens!
  21. It was $700 out the door. The purple top is a Rowans Creek.
  22. Anyone familiar with Heaven’s Door? Saw one in a local likker store today. 26 year old bourbon, very limited release obviously.
  23. My wife carries a Sig P238. I agree with the above that it definitely needs to be something they pick out. If they don’t feel comfortable with it they won’t carry it. Lots of ranges rent pistols where they can see what the like and dislike. I’m not so sure my wife wouldn’t rather carry a revolver, that’s what’s in her nightstand. I carry a Sig P938 and there is a very small difference in size of those pistols.
  24. When this got bumped I was afraid Dillo Pad had moved in next to one of you surly bastards. Glad it’s only normal shitty neighbors and not the Dillo.
  25. Plated with rice, beans were ramikened.
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