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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. I’ve only had the beef cheeks off my smoker and they were damn good but what a pain in the ass to prep.
  2. Would kill to have that neon sign.
  3. She’s actually over here today so I will tell her.
  4. Last time we ate at Hoffbrau it was in Amarillo and it was terrible.
  5. We went to the airport to welcome home the champions, I was four years old.
  6. Never been to CM but a big fan of LO Hefe.
  7. Ordered 8-9lbs of bbq from Tejas today, cannot freakin wait to try that relleno sausage.
  8. That’s a good looking griddle, amazes me the shit they can overlook though.
  9. If you are around Abilene try the Shed Market, their food is damn good. I’m not sure about their hours or service during C-19.
  10. Grilled over charcoal last night, cooked a little to long for me, more medium than MR. plus a pocket sig!
  11. Does Tejas ship? Wild like to order some sausage and brisket
  12. Look who his mentor was.
  13. Hope’s wasn’t that rare.
  14. PSA - Tyler’s BBQ moved south of the original location. He’s now at the intersection of Paramount and Olsen, been there a few months. His old building is for lease and if you drive by it looks like he’s closed.
  15. RMac5

    Easter 2020

    How are you going to cook it? I started to buy one today and passed. Still wanting to cook one and may go get one tomorrow. I heard they do great in the SV.
  16. RMac5

    Easter 2020

    That looks fucking great!
  17. RMac5

    Easter 2020

    Post up a pic of that oatmeal stout! I’d eat that brisket.
  18. RMac5

    Easter 2020

    I think he stood on his head to take the pics.
  19. RMac5

    Easter 2020

    Thanks! Looking forward to the finished product.
  20. RMac5

    Easter 2020

    Yeah me too ^^^^^ What does that LOL weigh and what kind of time and temp are you thinking?
  21. RMac5

    Easter 2020

    We wanted to do a leg of lamb and couldn’t find one. We ended up with a prime rib and will go the oven route. Happy Easter surly heathens!
  22. It really does look like pork, pretty damn white.
  23. If you have two spatulas, smash with one and use the end of the handle of the other one to smash or press.
  24. Hope they are staying busy.
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