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Certifiably Surly
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About McCroskey

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  1. Flip those numbers and locations around a little bit and yes, you are correct.
  2. Defense, who needs it?!
  3. Why would she have you meet her at a bar at 10 o’clock in the morning??
  4. Tippy toe, tippy toe!
  5. So the guy who doesn't really know shit about space but is good at writing decided to write on it? Interesting.
  6. 100% he owes us the responsibility to do the job we're paying him to do and ultimately deliver on an end-point objective. Airlines could certainly sue and they might, but the damages wouldn't be that much as a percentage of the costs and it would probably just come out of the US Gov't contract coffers, anyways.
  7. Good questions. The first is relatively unknown but I've read full stack Starships are thought to cost between $150MM-$250MM each at this point. They got the booster back, but design and engineering costs and other factors it's not implausible to think these failed launches are costing SpaceX well north of $100MM each failed launch. Go worst case and call the entire thing a loss because I'm not even sure how reusable these test boosters are even though they've been recovered. How much is US Money? Definitely a good chunk. SpaceX was awarded two contracts during the Biden admin for roughly $2.9B and $1.15B, as part of the Artemis program to get a crewed version of Starship to the Moon. Current target dates for this are end of 2026, I believe. Costs of the flight diversions? FAA says 240 flights were diverted...typical costs of a diversion can be in the $10k-$100k range worst case....so if you say all 240 cost $100k then the max cost of the diversions were around $24 million dollars.
  8. What about the body? What kind of body?
  9. Pine is good.
  10. He died in bed? Whose bed? A prostitute? God this news sucks. RIP to one of the best.
  11. Submitted my resume this morning.
  12. I’ll handle this, Violet….why don’t you take your 3 hour break.
  13. Going in late March. Can't wait.
  14. Overall, not bad at all. We were looking at going up for a long weekend but ultimately chose Destin instead. Spring breakers can make it pretty busy in mid-March...best advice I can give is if you look at the big-chain hotels (Marriotts or Hiltons) and the prices are nearing $250+/night OR AirBnB Cabins have 3+ night minimums...it's probably gonna be busy so plan accordingly. Weather is usually pretty good for this time of year (highs in 60s, lows in 40s), though it could be colder, snowy, or rainy. It also wouldn't be unusual to be shorts weather warm, like in the 70s for the highs. 10-15 day extended forecasts are usually pretty good at predicting temps but not good about predicting rain/sun. It's been a colder winter so not sure about the flora/fauna...my guess is that prob won't start popping till late March or April this year.
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