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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by McCroskey

  1. Cryin shame it's not a spot foul automatic 1 yard line placement.
  2. Now dawg backup gets pressured and makes a mistake. Horns will capitalize.
  3. He’s a fucking backup QB for a reason guys, chill the fuck out. Need offense to get it going a bit.
  4. Situations like this are when the beta fans come out.
  5. I like him talking shit…that’ll work out well. Mistake coming
  6. No possible way that’s PI. I don’t care if he shanked him.
  7. I mean, an insanely reasonable coverage and no call. Let’s go.
  8. FGs are fine as long as Bert keeps making them and Ga ain’t doing shit. Stop here, then horns TD and two point and it’s right on schedule.
  9. If yall think is something wait till Alabama squeaks into the playoffs and starts getting calls in that first game.
  10. I’m at a bar and apparently 2 mins behind the thread. This is as rigged as these fucking refs.
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