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AM Wood

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Everything posted by AM Wood

  1. Aerodynamics. That thing deploys like a parachute on a funny car.
  2. he IS the boss of you.
  3. i missed that part. i was speed reading.
  4. to be fair, closing at 4:00 pm is bull shit.
  5. is it threeve?
  6. Dentists.
  7. Would have been better if the little bitch yelled “WORLDSTAR!!!”
  8. marrying her.
  9. Did she do the radio thing as a joke? If it wasn’t, she may be the biggest narcissist in your city. Either that or she treats you like a choad.
  10. IMO that's way too light. Have the DA charge everybody who threw a punch with assault and let the existing laws take care of it.
  11. did you ever go to a fair where they had that game that you have a water gun and you shoot it into the clown's mouth to fill up the balloon? yeah, it's like that.
  12. I’d fight the taller one but that stocky little Hirohito one feels no pain. He takes a couple shots and doesn’t take a step back.
  13. other than travel why would one need dude wipes? i mean, what kind of a filthy animal doesn't have a bidet?
  14. I’m having a weekend get together at my house with my buddies. Can you please not come? Thanks.
  15. this post makes me want to hang myself.
  16. So you have intimate insider knowledge of the erotic cake industry in today’s economy?
  17. from page 3
  18. welp, he high tails it when he hears the peanut butter jar opening.
  19. some plastics give them acne on their chin. the dog.... and maybe the wife.
  20. a stainless one (which is what they are supposed to drink and eat out of) costs $6 at the walmarts. this is the best thread in the whole internets.
  21. she sounds fat.
  22. She sounds kinda hot. Can I have her digits?
  23. I heard it but there were 3 drunk guys fucking a dead alligator on a bus.
  24. Show me on this doll where he touched you.
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