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  1. Sounds like the cheating stuff struck a chord. Big time.
  2. And a different high 4* DL from Georgia got three USC picks yesterday. Very odd. https://247sports.com/Player/Christen-Miller-46096467/
  3. Wait, you followed him to a golf course to beat him up because he said mean things about you on the internet? Y'all know each other in real life?
  4. BJs mom IIRC. I assume she’s been following her since Meyer recruited BJ to OSU.
  5. I’ll contribute. Replaced the stock PUP covers on my JM with some pole-less whites. Also replaced the Tele-style knobs with vintage aged white Strat-style so it looks more in line with an early 60s JM. Before: After: Bonus electronics shot: Also got aged white PUP covers with poles I’ll put on next time I restring. Really digging the current look though. Edit: Not an SG but fuck it
  6. He’s much worse. At least Herman wins in the postseason.
  7. We come to terms with our eternal damnation?
  8. Roach with the level 6 confidence CB for corner Isaac Thompson. https://247sports.com/Player/Isaac-Thompson-46058605/
  9. And that’s what I overlooked...
  10. Might be overlooking something, but what’s the point of a PUP switch with only one pickup?
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