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Everything posted by Cashdaddyblumpkins

  1. LOVE fiesta red
  2. Is that a castle behind the SEZ?
  3. Logic Pro X seems to be the most widely used DAW in my circles. I’m holding out hope that it can still be an option for me in the future. Hell, maybe after the layoff at my company we have some Macs leftover that IT might be willing to sell for cheap...
  4. Absolutely beautiful.
  5. No shit? Would love to see that. Really want to make a pedal myself one day, no matter how shitty. Same with a guitar.
  6. I appreciate the write up! So I actually have a little bit of experience with garage band, having had a Mac a few years back (and the phone app is surprisingly robust). That being said I originally used Logic Pro X since i was on Mac OS and the learning curve wasn't too bad (I also had friends that were using it and could guide me). That Mac has since gone to shit, but I did replace it with a 2017 MacBook Pro. Unfortunately that Mac hums so loudly when it's running anything remotely memory-heavy, so I chose not to dish out $200 to have Logic and use that computer as my recording machine. Now I have a pretty capable Windows laptop that can handle memory-intensive programs much better, so I'm moving forward with Windows OS for now. So I'm still trying to land on a Windows OS DAW. I downloaded Reaper and it's easy enough at first glace, but I haven't yet recorded a full song, so jury is still out. I was also using a Focusrite Scarlett as my audio interface when I started, which I lost in college but have since replaced. So I have an interface at least. Unfortunately I don't have any monitors. Waiting to move until I get some, but since I already have an interface and all of my guitar/pedals/amps I might splurge on some nice Yamahas. Will definitely circle back before I purchase anything. So really I just need to decide on a DAW, and I might stick with Reaper (it's free too). Would LOVE to have a Mac desktop to run Logic or GarageBand through, but they're SO expensive.
  7. Y’all accept pedal pron too?
  8. Really dig your stuff @sidis. I'm a big Max Richter/ambient fan so that stuff connected with me. Also love the guitar work @Goredho. Real fun stuff and impressive playing. Hopefully I'll have something to contribute soon. Going to get a 2BR at my next place so I can have a dedicated studio around September. Haven't recorded much since high school/my first two years at UT. Have ~300 voice memos I need to consolidate and convert into songs. Think I have a rough outline of a 10 song album. Will have plenty of recording questions for this thread.
  9. Yep. Right chair accepted a new deposit shortly after this photo was taken.
  10. Didn’t have a tele to contribute yesterday, but here’s my most played stuff. Jazzmaster is still doing just great.
  11. Would be fun to wrap up our DB recruiting in one day.
  12. He also put one in for Ibraheem.
  13. Haha. Girlfriend struck up a conversation with him at Central Market last night. Of course. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I play with it pretty high up as is. I think my problem has been unnecessarily-complicated chord voicings married with 11s that have made me push down on the strings a bit too hard. After not playing for the past week it actually feels a lot better now. Moving forward I'll try to take breaks every 45 minutes instead of playing three hours straight.
  15. So I’ve had noticeable wrist pain the past few days. I had similar pain a few months back when I started playing again, which was probably soreness at the time. Now that it’s back after I’ve been playing 2-3 hours a day the past few months, I’m pretty sure it’s tendinitis, especially with the complex chords I’ve been playing. I’ve also been bad about warming up/taking breaks/stretching. Really hurts when I try any wrist flexion stretches, like this: The pain is localized on the back of my hand, where the tendons meet the wrist—hence the tendinitis. Played for 5 minutes today and it didn’t hurt at all with good form. But I can feel the pain if I’m doing a push up or supporting my weight with my left wrist. Really don’t want to go to the doc but might have to. Anyone have a doctor in Austin or any advice?
  16. Happy NGD... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I'm probably overthinking it. Not sure I'd notice if I weren't told. I found that video while doing research and have watched it ~5 times now. That guy is great and the '58 reissue compliments his style well. Side note and CSB time: while at Austin Vintage I was picking the brains of one of the salesmen. Went home and started looking up Jazzmaster vids on YouTube and found a Fender interview of the salesmen I had been speaking to. That's when I realized he was Kyle Hunt of the Black Angels, if any of y'all listen to them. Exceptionally nice guy.
  18. Thanks man! Never considered a Jazzmaster until I played this model at Austin Vintage Guitars a few weeks ago and haven't stopped thinking about it since. The 7.25 radius will take some getting used to. Also getting it shipped with 11s, which I've never tried. Can't wait to try it out with my own amp and pedals.
  19. https://reverb.com/item/10710457-fender-60th-anniversary-58-jazzmaster-2018 Just ordered a Jazzmaster '58 VRI 60th anniversary special edition. Should have NGD by next Monday at the latest. Hoping for Friday, though. Excited to share with y'all.
  20. Anyone have much experience with a Jazzmaster? Played one at Austin Vintage Guitars this past weekend and hit it off with a 60th anniversary '58 vintage reissue: Never considered owning an offset guitar until I played this guy. Loved the flat single coil pups and rythym/lead switch at the top--even if it's a bit gimmicky. Would be a nice compliment to my strat. Should have a NGD in the next month, whether it's a Jazzmaster or another strat...
  21. Holy shit. Tywone Malone. https://247sports.com/Player/Tywone-Malone-46081337/
  22. Replaced the original black pick guard with a white one. Contrasts the tobacco sunburst much better. Also went to Austin Guitar House and played some boutique strats today. Played some Suhrs, a CP Thornton, and a Nash—ranging from $2400-$3000. Think I liked the CP Thornton the most, but honestly, my $700 Mexistrat feels just as good. Maybe that’s because I’m used to it. Maybe it’s because the 10s on my strat are more my sound than the 9s in the shop. Need to test out a PRS Silver Sky soon too. Hoping to get a new strat-type guitar around March. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Also... 1959 LP Reissue ($5,500) Suhr Classic S HSS ($3,000) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Ditto. Any pre-CBS strat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Honestly, not sure. I just got back into guitar in the past year, so before that I guess I lacked the interest to venture out of the football/recruiting threads. But man, ever since I got the Strat I’ve been in it like never before. Taking lessons again too. Loving it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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