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Everything posted by Cashdaddyblumpkins

  1. Been on Surly since it was Shaggy, but never found my way to this forum until last week. Figured I’d share my set up. I’ve been playing for around 12 years. Started with the pretty rough Epiphone LP then got the Taylor ~7 years ago. Just got the Strat in August ‘19. Can’t believe I was playing the LP for the past decade. Upgrading to the strat has made me a significantly better player. It’s a Mexistrat but I’m planning on upgrading to a vintage 80’s American-made soon. Also got the Boss Katana MKII after playing on the digital Marshall for the past decade. Loving the Katana and Mexistrat, but this is my budget setup for now. Gonna upgrade to a Fender Deluxe Reverb (or something similar) soon after I replace my strat. Looking forward to keeping up with y’all! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I think you're sexually attracted to Herman.
  3. Didn't realize LSU has 3 true freshmen in the 2-deep at CB. That's not ideal, even if one of them is supposed to be phenomenal.
  4. It's 100% legitimate. It even has his name on it: "Tom".
  5. Did not expect Phil Collins at the end.
  6. Did you really pose as a UT fan for this grand reveal? What a disappointing payoff. I want my money back.
  7. And yet you still feel threatened and insecure enough to post this much on our board.
  8. A user on r/Longhornnation confirmed it, assuming he's to be trusted: https://old.reddit.com/r/LonghornNation/comments/cnucpm/college_gameday_will_be_at_the_lsuut_game/
  9. Someone on Reddit's Longhorn Nation said they just worked with IT setting up the south mall area for it, and that Colt should be a guest speaker: https://old.reddit.com/r/LonghornNation/comments/cnucpm/college_gameday_will_be_at_the_lsuut_game/
  10. I’ll rest easy when he’s on the roster (for more than 3 months).
  11. It seems Miami has been #1 at this point in the cycle for a few years in a row, across like four coaches. It seems like a bad strategy to take commitments from eight 3* 15/16 year olds, even if it's South Florida.
  12. Wow, went from getting two 5* (or close to it) RBs to likely zero, just like that.
  13. Gotta love that they have a thread for a Texas target they’re not in contention for.
  14. Losing an analyst, perhaps?
  15. Charles said that in a tweet? Did he post that today?
  16. USC went too far with this one
  17. Pretty sure he was talking about the kid throwing the horns down, not the tweet responding to it.
  18. Ohio State mod Andrew Ellis changed his Bijan crystal ball from Ohio State to cloudy.
  19. Mike Roach just CB'd Bijan Robinson to UT.
  20. Chris Thompson, come on down
  21. Of. Fucking. Course. You’re back. Completely unrelated to the thing that put you away in the first place, of course. Will you disappear again when Bru transfers back to Texas before fall camp?
  22. Up to #3 boys. https://247sports.com/Season/2019-Football/CompositeTeamRankings/
  23. McCoy is now listed as a commit. https://247sports.com/Player/Bru-McCoy-88120/
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