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Certifiably Surly
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FloridaHorn last won the day on November 18 2021

FloridaHorn had the most liked content!


5067 Surly 10%

About FloridaHorn

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  1. Danny's agent.
  2. Not when there is more than one girl dragging em’.
  3. Texas dragging their labias all over the premier softball team in the SEC.
  4. Love seeing Maloney swing away in that situation. Did not want to see a slapper there
  5. The ap is showing aub vs atm??? Wtf
  6. I think it’s time we start thinking about extending RT.
  7. Probably just making an instagram video
  8. Agreed. Her only job is to get on base and get back to the top of the order. When her and Maloney are on base, this team is lethal because Henry and Scott can do so many different things offensively. Speed is deadly in this game because it puts so much pressure on the defense to make a play. Combine that with the fact that the defense is trying to make plays while also having to play in and it becomes even more deadly.
  9. Kavan throws hard, but is not a power pitcher. She is most effective when she is spinning it well and hitting her spots. When she misses, it’s tends to be a flattened out version of her rise ball, which is basically a batting practice fastball at that point.
  10. All this with two outs…..Just hit it hard and good things happen.
  11. Maybe because your references are 14 year old boys playing Madden in their mom’s basement
  12. The conference change killed them. Kids don’t want to travel to play a B1G schedule.
  13. Should’ve already been #1, but UF is a good team
  14. Guess I’m a good guesser.
  15. One of the longest I have seen in a home came. Carried the bleachers in RC. Probably closer to 275 if I were guessing.
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