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Posts posted by FloridaHorn

  1. 12 hours ago, Mileslong said:

    For the last fucking time, being in the big 12 has nothing to with us sucking. Doesn’t seem to hurt OU, OSU, TCU or even Baylor when they had Briles.

    It’s coaching and lack of a good QB period. The LHN has nothing to do with us not hitting on a QB or coaching hire so just staup

    This is simply not true. It hurts all of those teams, lately more than it hurts Texas. TCU and Baylor have both been left out of playoff discussions, because of our shitty conference. OU is the outlier, but that may change this year with how bad this conference is top to bottom. The LHN is not why we lost games, and it is not why we currently suck, but it is certainly not helping us.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Dark Horse said:

    14 of those points were kick returns. USF scored 35 offensive points on 426 yards.


    OU scored 49 offensive point on 485 total yards.


    Texas scored 28 offensive points on 478 total yards.


    I don’t know what to make of this data, I didn’t watch the second half last night. I assume our efficiency and 3rd down conversion rate are pretty terrible. Our offense S&P+ rank is 45, defense is 43. We’re very mediocre on both sides of the ball.


    That said, I’d much rather have Sterlin’s offense than what we’re running now.


    Our goal is two first downs....obviously those other teams just have different goals than us.

  3. Skipper took them on a 3 hour tour. Not sure which game you were watching. Even the two ints only happened because the QB under threw the ball. The entire defense was terrible. Tulsa missed 3 FGs and dropped two TD passes. That’s 23 points they left on the field

  4. 9 hours ago, Jkwellborn said:

    Ingram looked like he got up a little gimpy close to the end. Texas went empty the next play and then Watson came in. Anyone see what had happened to him?

    He got dinged up on the play where Humphrey was in the wildcat formation. It appeared to be a head injury, but I hope I am wrong

  5. 1 hour ago, Digdogger said:

    My sources in the program are telling me that Kyle Porter will start at center and safety to cover for the injuries.  He’s also expected to get the most snaps at RB

    You have bad sources. Porter will not start, or even be listed on the depth chart, but he will play safety for the entire 4th quarter because you never want freshmen playing in the 4th quarter against an incredible, unbelievable Tulsa team.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Tex Long said:

    Well, if QBs aren't going to be wearing skirts, then how about we subtract five yards from a slide? Oughta slow that shit down somewhat, no?

    Should we subtract 5 yards when a WR or QB run out of bounds as well? I get it, it's a dangerous sport, but the hit by Johnson was uncalled for and the penalty was warranted. The end of that drive was not good for Gary. The play before, the TE had him beat by 2 yards for a TD, but he QB slightly overthrew him....Next play was his last play for the bonehead hit. Johnson has to be smarter, and play like the senior captain he is supposed to be.

  7. 1 hour ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    If that Texas player had been a split second earlier, and the QB's chin had been up a bit more, we may have seen a death on national TV.  He would have separated the kids head from his spine.  That was dirty as shit.  There was no effort to roll away or pull up, he was all in all the way. Just my $.02 of course.

    It was definitely a dirty play by today's definitions. The fact is, once the QB begins to slide, he is down. Hitting him after that is no different than hitting him if he was laying on the ground. The rule is to stop stupid plays exactly like this one.

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  8. Mack is the 2nd best coach in the history of Texas football. He did a whole lot of things well. At the end, it was time for him to go, but his time here was a great run for this program. We weren't very relevant before he got here, and we haven't been since he left, that tells me all I need to know.

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Ghost of Shag said:

    Stop being lazy and go watch the game, then tell me Cowart wasn't a problem.

    Did you seriously just say, "Bringing pressure on the QB was not the problem, because we never got home on our blitzes..."  That's a problem in itself.  

    I don't give a shit what happened in Dickson's first few games.  That has nothing to do with this game.  Stay on topic. 

    You obviously didn't see Jamison almost bust a punt return for a touchdown, or see that he has an elusiveness nobody else on our team has.  


    Did you actually watch the game?  If so, were you drunk?

    I watched it, twice, and I was sober both times-Maybe that was the problem.

    You said that Orlando should not have blitzed a mobile QB, and I said that didn't cause any issues, because they rarely got to him anyways. Our punter had one horrific punt, but he also had a great one that led directly to a safety.

    Jamison didn't return a single punt, that was Brandon Jones...Were you drunk?

  10. On ‎9‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 11:38 AM, Ghost of Shag said:

    Rewatched that abortion through a quarter and a half.  Takeaways:

    1.  Several of our upperclassmen just killed us:

    --It can't be understated how bad Beck's blocking was in the first half.  He gave us no chance when we went to his side. 

    --Another guy who didn't block for shit was Colin Johnson.  Watching him try to block someone is like watching a mime trying to break his way out of a fake glass case.  Thanks for costing us five yards on the first play from scrimmage because of a uniform violation, dumbass.  There hasn't been more wasted potential on the 40 Acres since Taylor Bible.

    --Can someone tell me what the hell Davante Davis has ever done other than disappoint?  I'd rather put Cook in over there and get him the experience.  Boyce didn't impress, either.  

    --Kris Boyd.  Holy hell.  I can't.  Catch the damn ball.

    --Charles Omenihu is a JAG.

    --Hager isn't nearly as good as some on this board were stating before the season began.  

    2.  The Cowart guy for Maryland had his way with our right tackles.  The kid was a five star out of college, and showed why against both Kerstetter and Cosmi.  

    3Third downs on defense were a complete disaster.  We had them in third and 6+ so many times.  Pass interference calls (Davis, Boyd), eyes in the backfield (Boyd), bringing pressure at the absolute wrong time.  Over and over and over, they extended the drive on third and long.  Orlando isn't catching enough heat for how bad our defensive calls were in the first half.  Why the hell are we bringing pressure on a mobile quarterback who has questionable accuracy in third and long?

    4.  Maryland held us all day on those jet sweeps.  Not that it matters, but they got away with so much holding.  I actually admire how they were able to do it just slightly enough to not get called, while highly affecting our ability to defend the play. 

    5.  Punting.  Holy hell.  

    6.  Sam was just awful.  Just terrible.  No accuracy at all, poor decision making.  He was worse than I remembered.  I don't know how much of that to lay on the wide receivers, but hell.  After the rewatch, I'm read to see Shane Rising. Even with the improvements on the offensive line, Shane would have to get out of trouble several times a game.  He'll self-sack out of instinct.  I understand why Tom doesn't want to put Shane in.  We are just screwed at quarterback.  

    7.  The positives?  Stearns and Foster.  Keontay Ingram.  McCulloch played decent.  Gary Johnson is still a beast.  Brandon Jones on punt returns.  We didn't have to attempt a field goal.  Chris Nelson played well, and Taquon Graham did some good things.  Jamison is going to be good.  

    About the only thing I agree with on this is that the game was an abortion, Sam was really bad, and the upper classmen killed us.


    Cowart had two tackles....that's it, no hurries, no sacks, no TFL. Not sure how you call that having his way with our RT.

    Bringing pressure on the QB was not the problem, because we almost never got home on our blitzes. Our DL was non existent in the pass rush.

    Maryland didn't even block Hager at all on most jet sweeps. There is holding on every play, but our D beat itself on that play by being out of position and taking shitty angles.

    Punting...Holy Hell...try and remember Dickson's first few games. I saw enough to be encouraged by our punter, but horrified by our blocking on the punt team.

    The positives...the freshmen were pretty good, but Gary Johnson was non existent until he was ejected, then he was really non existent. Agree on Brandon on punt returns. Kicker was good on kick offs and extra points. Jamison touched the ball twice on offense and lost yards on each play, so not sure what you saw there.

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