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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by FloridaHorn

  1. My monthly Texas One contribution drafted out of my account the other night. Nice to see I bought another 5*.
  2. You should start a poll, I'm sure it will work out well.
  3. This is all correct. When my daughter was a D1 athlete and the portal became a thing, coaches would reach out to her former travel ball and high school coaches to see if she was interested in transferring. Yes it was tampering and yes it would be almost impossible to prove. Schools don't make direct contact, they do so through associates of the player, like a former coach or teammate. It happens every day, and in every sport, especially for really talented players at key positions.
  4. This is what happens when you jump in the portal and find your options are less than what you hoped they’d be.
  5. At this point we should change the thread title to Bonfires everywhere.
  6. aTm recruiting 2024 - Loochie, we have a problem
  7. Maybe they can just band up and play the bowl game in place of the real team. They could call themselves the Portal Ags
  8. hard to type with one hand, and with your eyes closed.
  9. Sark's exit interviews must be direct and to the point.
  10. He better turn that thumb around before the old guard sees this.
  11. I'm sure they are all ecstatic....Now they have a school to recruit their kids that can't play at Texas, LSU, or Alabama.
  12. It's like some of you guys have never heard of Jordy Nelson or Lockett...stupid sips
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