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Everything posted by Victorious1

  1. 100% get yur ISU shirt. Be sure to bring something warm to wear under it, might be the warmest day until next spring. Ames, IA 10 Day Weather 10:56 am CST Print DAY DESCRIPTION HIGH / LOW PRECIP WIND HUMIDITY TODAY NOV 11 Partly Cloudy/Wind 20°2° 0% NNW 20 mph 58% TUE NOV 12 Mostly Sunny 23°17° 0% SSW 11 mph 56% WED NOV 13 PM Snow Showers 33°18° 40% SSW 12 mph 76% THU NOV 14 Sunny 29°19° 10% NW 8 mph 75% FRI NOV 15 Mostly Sunny 38°25° 10% ENE 6 mph 82% SAT NOV 16 Mostly Cloudy 43°30° 20% SSE 13 mph 78%
  2. I don't think I have seen the like of this thread... UT fan: We suck, we'll lose. ISU fan: No we suck more, we'll lose. UT fan: Didn't you see how bad we suck??? We have this loss wrapped up. ISU fan: Didn't you see our last game??? We suck way more and will lose. UT fan: Are you f'n kidding me? Our coach does ____ and ___ to suck. Eat shit and die stupid ISU fan...
  3. Have you developed any super powers yet? Hopefully Marvel and not DC...
  4. he was a good kid
  5. This 100x. bohls is/was in a slump so he goes and hunts down an old, half senile (maybe full senile) UT blue hair type who grew up in a different era and tries to lead them into saying something that doesn't fit today's narrative and create controversy. the sad part is Earl probably has no clue what he said and bohls, who's foot is halfway out the door himself, should know better but can't resist destroying a legacy over a few clicks/personal gain.
  6. Eason sucks, unfortunately UW bet the whole season on him.
  7. wow, the hangover this morning... Houston hitters left all those runners on base and put the pressure on the pitching which eventually folded. And the bottom of the lineup did a descent job of getting on base with walks and hits only to have Springer, Altuve, Bregman, etc. leave them on base time after time. Well, one of my old coaches always said don't anger the baseball gods and Houston certainly asked for it with their home run stares, carrying the bats to first base, hands to their ears on the HR trot, etc. The Nats did it right and celebrated in the dugout...they wanted it more and deserved it more. See you next year.
  8. "I got a Harley Davidson. Does that turn you on?"
  9. Did not disappoint (keep in mind this is a zombie comedy movie and will not win Academy awards, Oscars, bar is set pretty low, etc.). I was wondering why the R rating and I guess Tallahassee dropped a bunch of f-bombs, cock sucker, etc. and the sexual innuendo; hoping for boobs but no-go.
  10. until we start recruiting nfl caliber linemen on both sides of the ball, this will be about good as it gets against top 10 teams who already have nfl bound linemen. What did you expect? There is something to be said about the game being won by controlling the line of scrimmage...
  11. aggys don't generally build, they design. But the outcome can be the same (see bonfire '99).
  12. “It’s funny because he’s fat they’re stupid”
  13. and just like that...
  14. any chance of afternoon thunderstorms? I wouldn't mind watching that live...
  15. atta boy Springer
  16. out! 26 more to go...
  17. a walk! setting up the double play. bold strategy...
  18. walked the bases loaded...
  19. We called them garden spiders when we were growing up and, yeah, tossed the small grasshoppers in the webs and watched them go to work. During 4th of July they got a few lady fingers tossed to them, they are quick learners.
  20. no credit for rbi on double play
  21. You can say that again...
  22. I give you two weeks, three weeks tops before you buy a plane ticket to Alaska
  23. Ever since Kobayashi ( Five time Nathan's winner) quit because of the Major League Eating contract falling out there has been nobody to really challenge Chestnut. Getting Kobayashi and Chestnut back head-to-head would really add some spice to this contest. See https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-rise-and-fall-of-takeru-kobayashi-godfather-of-competitive-eating-they-were-making-a-joke-of-me
  24. https://nathansfamous.com/hot-dog-eating-contest/ The 2019 Nathan's Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest - July 4th ESPN2 Joey "Jaws" Chestnut (-1,111) and Miki Sudo (-1,099) heavy favorites to repeat winning the Mustard Belt Women's Competition 9:45AM CST ESPN3/ESPN APP Men's Competition 11AM CST ESPN2
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