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  1. So that must mean that Rap Game Larry = Squid... it's all starting to come together now!
  2. I heard that well was tapped years ago
  3. Argument makes no sense - I am not aware of any oil derricks in Austin, so this is actually not a great deal for UM
  4. Can you illustrate this for us?
  5. Skyline chili mostly
  6. Almost definitely, probably. But maybe not though
  7. Capacity is only 3,782 FWIW - seems like it is a bit far out to cancel that
  8. Clearly we have reached the endgame
  9. Finally caught up and just wanted to say I love you crazy fuckers. Did we ever figure get consensus on the worst town in Texas?
  10. I fell into the pit, you fell into the pit...
  11. You better not be claiming that as chili
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