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Posts posted by solamente73

  1. What are y’all doing for Hatch season?  I’ve only seen it mentioned in passing in various threads.  We love those chiles and enjoy trying all the stuff that you can find available at this time of year.  I like to roast my own (10-20lbs total, selected from whichever market has the best selection, about 50-50 “mild” and “hot”) and then freeze them to use throughout the year.

    First batch of “hot” this year:



    CM makes killer Hatch-marinated chicken and fresh hot Hatch sausages:



    Mrs. Sola (no pics) makes decadent quesadillas with the Hatch chicken:


    And the Hatch tamale stuffed chicken is amazing when roasted over oak:




    Any other Hatch fans out there?

    • Like 9
  2. 17 hours ago, JimmyHoffa said:

    Seriously those might be two of the best marbled and perfectly butchered strips I have seen. 

    Agree - were spectacular.  From CM in Southlake.  True story, I’ve been teaching Mrs. Sola (no pics) how to select steaks so that she can do well when shopping solo.  She was with me at the time and I asked her to select the steaks.  She selected those, and I was all like:


    • Like 2
  3. I use Spectrum VoIP (note - different from Spectrum cable) and their service includes conference call / bridge line capability.  They are based in DFW, and when researching VoIP solutions for my company, they provided the best value prop of all the VoIP providers I looked at.

    If you’re currently using VoIP, your provider may already offer the capability - just check with them.  If not using VoIP... why not?

    edit:  Wait, when you say your company do you mean the one you own of the one you work for?  I assumed own.

  4. OP, check out the Pushmataha Wildlife Management Area in southeastern OK.  A bit more off (way off?) the beaten path, more of a Central Eastern US forest vibe.  All kinds of things you can do in the area.  Sardis Lake is nearby with hiking and fishing opportunities, too.  Go camping or get a cabin through Airbnb.  Gorgeous area.

  5. OP, I preach this wherever I can:  Rack.  Of.  Pork.  I find them at Costco around TG/Christmas and (this year) Easter.  Think pig prime rib.  If you have the means, season as you like and roast over hickory at 350* until internal of 140*, about 1.5 hours.  Rest under foil tent for 20-25 minutes (internal rises to 145*), carve, serve.  

    Here’s one I did in May:



    (Pictured above with creamy Hatch green chile scalloped potatoes and garlic Parmesan green beans and baby bellas)

    Pro tip:  serve with smoked au ju.  Fill a foil pan with 1 can chicken broth and equal part water.  Place under the rack to collect drippings and smoke during the cook.  Strain and reduce in sauce pan while the rack is resting.  Serve in ramekins.

    • Like 6
  6. My oldest friend is in his 40s and was just diagnosed with cancer.  Fuck cancer.  He has a good chance at beating it.  Fuck it, still.

    He’s a Texan who is huge fan of Texas BBQ, but he’s currently trapped in California.  Chemo for 6 months.  One of my missions in life now is to keep him and his family fed with Texas BBQ throughout his treatment*.  This is at their request and part of a community meal train.

    I’ve sent Cooper’s before and it was well received.  Internet tells me I can pre-order and the pick up a Franklin brisket, cryovac’d, that I can then pack and ship to him.  Rudy’s ships, but.... 

    So, any of y’all have any (good) experience(s) with ordering/shipping from good Texas BBQ places to help narrow down my search?  Champ, you shipping yet as part of your plan to dominate the BBQ universe?



    *I had always heard smoked meats are bad for cancer and cancer patients, but he tells me it’s OK.

  7. On 8/6/2018 at 7:02 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    Fishbrain has opened my eyes to how many private ponds/lakes there are in Central Texas with lots of large bass.

    Now whether or not it's smart to be showing off where the fishing is good on private land is another matter.

    Speaking of fishing private land...

    I have a vendor who belongs to Private Water Fishing, and he swears by it.  The concept interests me because you have access to places off the beaten path, and would make great weekend retreats for the family once the boys get old enough to get something out of it.  

    Anyone a member, or know a member?  Thoughts?

  8. 17 hours ago, huge said:

    Only problem is that I let it simmer too long while futzing with kid food issues so it ended up less tender than I would have preferred. Still ate like a mofo tho

    It happens.  Last weekend it was just me and the kids.  I thought I’d treat myself to some lamb since I’m the only one around here who loves lamb.  Check on the rack outside and internal temp was 111*.  Go inside to work on the kids’ food, one kid hits the other, crying ensues.... and next thing you know you’re running back outside and seeing 149* on the meat thermo.  Didn’t care. I ate that entire rack with extreme prejudice and loved every single bite.




    • Like 3
  9. 4 hours ago, TenaciousTgarden said:

    Any of y'all use daily contacts?  My eyes are rebelling against regular contacts and my eye dr suggested trying dailies. Trying to figure out how much of a pain in the ass they are, and where to find them the cheapest - I got a quote for like $770 for a year supply from my regular eye dr, which seems like so much, but maybe that's just standard. That's for the Acuvue Oasys 1-day moist (I think).

    Earlier this year, I made the switch from monthlies to Acuvue Moist dailies because they worked better for reading and distant vision, plus comfort increase.  Bought through my optometrist as a professional courtesy and because she worked with me to find the right combo of brand and prescription (tons of trial lenses, multiple visits).  ~$700-$200 mail-in rebate for 1 yr supply = $500 out of pocket; no vision insurance.  I won’t go back to monthlies and was surprised how liberating it was to not have to deal with storage cases and contact solution.

    2 hours ago, Jkwellborn said:

    Do you barbarians actually sleep in your contacts?

    It’s funny you ask this.  With my monthlies, I’d almost always take them out early and then wear my glasses at home in the evening.  The new dailies are so effective and comfortable, I sometimes just forget to take them out at night, sleep in them, and just wear them again the next day.

  10. 21 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    Bringing my son to opening day for the first time this year (8 years old).

    Where can I go get him some good quality gear? Boots, camo, vest, etc.? Cabela's I assume is the one-stop shop answer?

    If it can’t be bought at Academy, you don’t truly need it.




    But, yeah, can’t go wrong with Game Winner gear from Academy.  More than the kid will need.  $5 camo t-shirts are nice, too,

  11. Tried to edit a post in “Shit I’ve cooked lately” thread, was told that  too much time had elapsed to edit - time was only 5 minutes.  Also, I think it required a reason for editing to save the edit.

  12. They updated the site software?  Shit is borked.  Can’t edit above post because too much time elapsed (5min!).

    so my intended edit:  ERhine, container says “stock” so if actual shrimp stock + BBQ sauce, what’s your method / recipe, please?

  13. 19 hours ago, ERhine said:

    During Lent this year my wife and I gave up bread.  One night she wanted BBQ Shrimp, which resulted in a bunch of leftover BBQ Shrimp sauce that we would normally have sopped up with a bunch of french bread.  I did not want to waste it, so I strained out all the seasoning in it, added a good bit of Crystal, and put it in the freezer for unknown later use.  Turned out pretty awesome.  So now whenever we have BBQ Shrimp I make a little more sauce and freeze it.

    Maybe I missed it, but what’s in the “BBQ Shrimp sauce?”  Is it just a BBQ sauce you put on shrimp, or does it have shrimp stock (or whatever) in the BBQ sauce?

    Curious, but don’t ultimately care because I’d supersmash those wings on sight no matter what’s in the sauce.

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