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Frank The Tank

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Everything posted by Frank The Tank

  1. Great show, but that was some really unnecessary shit. Should have come with a warning.
  2. It’s been long enough that I really can’t remember the story or characters. I remember liking it but this is way too much time between seasons. Or I’m just getting old and forgetful.
  3. How about a Serinda Swan spinoff?
  4. Prime strips topped with herb compound butter with roasted potatoes and onions and shallot green beans. I forgot to take before and during cook pics.
  5. That’s weak. Spec’s whole 1 day drop thing is total bullshit anyway…but they couldn’t do better than that for a guy who probably camped out there for days?
  6. She’s always yelling at Kyle and punching him in the face, but he seems to be pretty fucking good at his job and does what needs to be done.
  7. It will be Trump. Again, and forever until he dies.
  8. What makes me so special? Not a goddamn thing. I’m just voting for my right to live. And be protected by the money I’ve paid and not be excluded by a condition I can’t fucking control or prevent. That’s the whole point. Trump’s administration virtually promises to do away with those protections. So you know…as far as I’m concerned, and for a million other reasons, fuck him and anyone who voted for him. Especially you and Stasney at this point.
  9. Holy shit. I know who you are now. You think the prices I’m charged by the pharmaceutical and insurance companies are up to me? You’re a fucking moron. I have no control over the cost of the drugs that I am forced to take to stay alive. Fuck you again you stain on the world.
  10. No, dipshit. Do you think anyone could afford to pay $30,000 a month for medication? Do you think if I was already paying that amount that I would be that concerned about the protections of preexisting conditions?
  11. I don’t. I take one pill a day that keeps me alive. The insurance company makes sure I see “what they pay” for that pill to the producer of said pill. I don’t pick or control the price of any of this shit, I just take the fucking pill that the oncologist says will keep me alive. And this is the 5th one that I’ve been on, all while battling the fucking insurance company about which is the least costly to them.
  12. I don’t give a flying fuck. This is my life. You think I give two shits if typing to this unmitigated shitstain doesn’t change his mind. Fuck anyone who thinks like he does and fuck anyone who forgives others for thinking that way too.
  13. Fuck you you fucking piece of shit. I have cancer. The pills I take to keep me alive cost $30,000 a month on the best and most expensive possible insurance that exists. If they take away protections for preexisting conditions, I die and my wife and kids go bankrupt in the process. Fuck you.
  14. That’s simply, motherfucking, not true.
  15. If this race still isn’t called by Thursday I’m going to have aneurysm and a lot of chili’s are going to run out of chips and tequila.
  16. Subtlest of humble brags.
  17. There must be a golf course nearby that he likes. It seems to be about all he REALLY gives a shit about.
  18. Apparently I can’t read lips as well as Al and Collinsworth. What did CD say?
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