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Frank The Tank

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Everything posted by Frank The Tank

  1. I had no idea the last one I saw was the finale. That season was way too short.
  2. This guy fucks.
  3. I mostly used Tapa on the shag and thus was never much for actual rep giving. Are these heart buttons on the side functional in mobile chrome for that or are those just there for Jade and Bevoette?
  4. Good suggestion, thanks.
  5. Hang on, what? She’s doing your laundry as quickly as possible in an effort to make sure you’re not walking around in shit stained drawers...and this annoys you?
  6. Yes, I drive a Tahoe, we don't have any kids yet...I've had a truck or a Tahoe pretty much my whole life. The roof of the Tahoe wasn't too bad, it was really just the "luggage rails/racks" whatever you want to call them up on top that were scrapped up a bit. The door itself was bent to hell, I had to push it off the car and then it was off the tracks and the coil was unwound. Had to have a garage door repair guy come out that night for $250 to fix the damn thing just so it would close.
  7. Haha, so far he’s said asshole, douchebag and shit.
  8. My in-laws came by to drop something off for the wife as I was on my way home from work. MIL parked in the middle of our driveway and then sees me coming down the street, she reverses and then pulls in directly behind my wife’s car. The garage door is open and my wife is in the garage by the door. I pull in past MIL’s car and into the garage. As I get about halfway in, the top of my Tahoe is hit by the fucking garage door coming down. My wife had walked into the house for something and then back into the garage as MIL had turned her car off to come in. Garage door is fucked, as I was still moving when it came down and hit the rails on top of the Tahoe. Wife’s response is to blame her mom’s car turning off or “her Bluetooth somehow messed with the garage frequency”. MIL does not have an opener to our garage door. Wife was standing right next to the door opener on the wall but swears she didn’t hit it as she came back out of the house. I know she hit that fucking button.
  9. I would never shake a drink like an old fashioned or a manhattan, those require a nice stir with the ice. Shakers are for fruit forward drinks like margaritas or daiquiris.
  10. Really enjoyed this. The fights were all fucking brutal and the soundtrack was outstanding.
  11. I enjoyed the show, but if I were to be killing people for money, I would expect to be making way more money than to be living in that shithole apartment he was in.
  12. Damn it...I definitely punched out before the invasion started, totally missed Cirque.
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