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Frank The Tank

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Everything posted by Frank The Tank

  1. The front window ticket sales people are just obsolete. I assume everyone gets advanced tickets and reserved seats these days, so you really only need one or two people to scan phones on the way in. I assume they have trouble keeping enough staff on hand to handle the concessions and cleaning though, that seems like a shit job.
  2. I’m confused….did you marry her?
  3. It’s 11:45 on Friday night. I just finished watching the Stars lose and the Mavs win. It’s been a long week and I’ve got a nice little buzz going. Perfect time to go collapse into my comfortable bed and relax until the kids wake up. Marissa has apparently decided now is the right time to be vacuuming the master bedroom.
  4. Yeah, some of you are really sleeping on Community. At its peak, it was excellent.
  5. What’s that sauce situation you’ve got going on there?
  6. That is for a right turn, not a left turn. There is a specific code section and traffic violation for a wide right turn that is similar to the language you used. There is no such section specifying the same rules for a left hand turn.
  7. Great recommendation for a shit hole of a town. The fried chicken, okra and mashed potatoes and gravy were a welcome and delicious surprise.
  8. For reasons passing understanding I’ve agreed to a meeting in Marlin, TX next week. Coming from Dallas area…any suggestions?
  9. Meh. Agree to disagree. I was entertained and visually impressed with the movie making. Perhaps I have a low bar.
  10. Just saw what I think is the first reference to Newman. S2 E7 The Revenge. Never remembered this I guess. George is quitting and trying to unquit his job. Jerry lost $1500 at the laundromat (but not really) and Kramer is talking about Newman, who lives in the building, threatening to jump and kill himself. They yell out the window to each other and it is clearly not Wayne Knight. A little thing I never noticed before.
  11. Tenet is confusing sure, but fun as hell and I think very interesting. Robert Pattinson was great. Dogshit? No way.
  12. Any chance you can quote and paste the article for those of us that don’t have a Bloomberg account?
  13. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is extremely watchable….plus Michelle Monaghan is hot and topless sometimes.
  14. I hate to be this guy, but you’re thinking of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Dalton ripped the guys throat out. Much more realistic.
  15. Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
  16. The wife bought a New Zealand grass fed ribeye she said was on sale. I cooked and we ate it. Tasted great, not noticeably different than other prime ribeyes we’ve had though.
  17. I think Primal Fear rivals Fight Club. I’ve also read that he was contractually obligated to be in Italian Job and very much didn’t want to be there. Pretty much mailed in his performance on purpose and it showed.
  18. I need a drink just looking at that.
  19. Legitimate question. It happens in the beer thread too and doesn’t make sense.
  20. Holy shit, she also apparently married the heir to the Walton billions. No wonder she doesn’t really act anymore.
  21. Not her best picture but this chick really ought to get more work. She’s incredibly hot.
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