So for the last 2 weeks, there has been a mockingbird on my property singing all night. It starts around 9:00 p.m. and goes until sun up. It flies from the roof to a tree to a neighbor's tree and back again. If I go into the backyard, it flies off. I'll stand in the backyard with a flashlight, locate the bird, shine the light on it - nothing. Just keeps on singing. Meanwhile I'm getting eaten by mosquitoes and losing sleep. I assume it's a male mockingbird looking for a mate, which I don't want it to find as that will just lead to more mockingbirds in my area. I never had mockingbirds around my house until they showed up last spring, when they started to perch on my fence and harass my dog. Is there anything I can do to get this bird to stop singing at night?
I realize it's illegal to shoot a mockingbird as it's the state bird and some book says it's a sin. Also, I already asked my husband.