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Everything posted by irockalltherocks

  1. Must be a certain segment that enjoys this type of music. I just don't know any of them. Not a good Monday for the musers. First fake tiger, now jubjam.
  2. That's because he's got his own segment for it.
  3. Mischief Up The Academy Last American Virgin
  4. Raymond Weil Fidelio Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Test2 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Still not working. Uploaded image from phone to my Imgur account, posted here on PC using BB Code.
  7. Can't see your pic. All my posts are done on PC.
  8. I like the Hagar VH catalog, but nothing touches their early work. For me, the first two albums were their best.
  9. I just refreshed this page, and now I can't see any pics. Not my own, and not UTCzech's that I could see 2 minutes ago. WTH? Also, all the pics I post are from my Imgur account. I am not hotlinking.
  10. I can see your pic. I posted the same pic ( that you can't see) in the 60s-80s thread and I could see it originally. However, when i logged back in after lunch it was gone. Pics I posted in the Watch Fanatic thread are still there, as far as I can see. I always use the BB Code.
  11. Put up the sign, along with a no trespassing sign. Threaten the interlopers with criminal trespass.
  12. Loved the Kaepa's. Also went through several pairs of these:
  13. Spot on. iZombie is a fun little show. The characters are well developed, and the writing is superb. Season 4 is currently airing on the CW, but the first 3 are on Netflix.
  14. Damn! There looks to be some high dollar G.I. Joe items in those photos. Wish I was in the area, I'd make a run at a couple of those.
  15. So they use a flat chested model for their What A Pair ad campaign. OK.
  16. Thanks for the feedback guys. Agree, I like the Rolex better. The Tag was my dad's, so I wear it on certain occasions and for sentimental reasons. I've got a few more that I'll try and post that also probably didn't hold up too well looks/fashion wise.
  17. ABC news says shooter is, "white, adult female wearing a dark top and head scarf." http://abc7news.com/police-investigation-underway-at-youtube-in-san-bruno/3297411/?sf186142990=1
  18. Stainless and gold Tag Heuer Professional:
  19. Cash Sirois in for Corby on the Hardline today, so maybe worth a listen.
  20. Utah as well. It's consistently ranked at the top for return and low expenses.
  21. I just hope Newcastle can avoid being demoted again. I think they're safe, but who knows?
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