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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NoName

  1. He's their 163 overall transfer and like 38 WR. Literally here's the players in their top 200 who are uncommitted Cook at 163 Jaden Rashida at 164 The next uncommitted player in their rankings is someone named TJ Harden who is 418. Aiden Glover at 458. Elijah Culp at 498 5 total uncommitted players in 247s top 500 commits and two are absolute head cases. Don't know about the other three.
  2. Highest paid CFB RB coaches Comical that someone is paying Jay Boulware 550k but even better that OU is paying Murray 575 😂
  3. Rumor in the FB group is that 2M partners split and one is taking each part of the business. Interesting to see who ends up where. Assume Esaul ends up at 2M and Joe in Castroville since the old account is telling people to go to Esauls wife's spot in Castroville. Joe has been over the top nice to me on the 4-5 occasions I've dealt with him on catering. Legit comes across like a great dude every time. Comments sure look like that's the case. Selah is Selah Melig, Joe's wife. IG link to new account: https://www.instagram.com/castrovillebbqcompany?igsh=bXNlNWV6cGdxYnFv Keeping the Blu Lacy IG account is incredibly petty and shows how shit the partnership must have gotten.
  4. Just to be clear, they ain't dropping FSD driverless In Austin in June without major legal changes. Also Elon said he saw a path to tesla being worth the next five largest car companies combined...LOL...LMAO even
  5. Yup. Wild that Baked is staying open out there.
  6. He had six attempts last year. Who is Tony you may ask? He comically defended the take in the replies. https://surlyx.com/tony_catalina/status/1884636809797243111
  7. Fuck back off to the cloak room This thread is all about Elon not the other guy I think you are a CIA plant put in place to get people fired up about dumb shit while the actual conversation goes miles over your head.
  8. That's maybe the worst take ever posted in the almost 25k posts in this thread.
  9. it's SPACE. If it was so fucking easy why is it taking SpaceX this long then? Why didn't they just fly up there in August and pick those dudes up?
  10. Stranded implies there is no way home. They are in space, it isn't like running down to HEB to pick up a gallon of milk at 10 PM. They aren't fucking Tom Hanks in Cast Away, which the main person this thread is about seems to be acting like. Guy, it's ALL spin. It always has been. Bringing the president and Musk into it only guarantees even more spin. Company got screwed by a vendor. It happens a million times every single day, except they are in space so it takes more planning to get right so they don't die either going to get them or coming back.
  11. Mostly it's people looking for easy entry. Something like black jack isn't easy entry for people unfortunately. It I feel like the rec was the Luchesse 2000 for a while then tecovas when they were cheaper then cuero and now??? Also going ahead and posting this gif lol Just looking for suggestions from people who know way more about boots than me!
  12. 9/12 new posts by the same guy who doesn't know what planet he's on half the time and who posts incoherent shit all night is a problem. He needs to discover reddit or 247 or Twitter or IT or fucking anywhere that isn't this place to shit post constantly. I'll happily pay for that guy's monthly membership to any of the other Texas sites if he just stops the all day all night shit posting here. Vomit posting has a place somewhere, I'm sure, but it sure as fuck isn't the 9.95 forum. He's very lucky rep is +1/-1 vs being weighted based on the rep of whose giving it. Edit: oh yeah. I'm sure these are all going to be reasonable, well thought out posts.
  13. New seasonal HEB chip flavors look like they are lemon pepper wavy, Cajun wavy and cheese enchilada tortilla chip
  14. If anyone cares looks like Cuero is gone, website is toast but socials are still up. What's the general rec now for people who ask me if they should buy Tecovas?
  15. Well, that and tetanus or infinity AIDS. Both of which live in that alley.
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