not sure how proficient you are in excel but this SHOULD work even if one entry has multiple rows with data in it. it lets you have your data on one page and then your rollup (that you can filter) on another tab
i've done it with vlookups before, BUT if you ever have any chance that there are multiple rows with data in it then vlookup isn't your answer. so i re-did it with sumifs to solve that potential future problem. not sure if the data is exported or manual but if it's manual this should maybe make it easier?
i'm a big fan of automatically generated helper columns, which is how i have set it up. i use dashes instead of =concat just because it's how my mind works but you can also do =concat(A1,"-",B2) if you prefer.
rollup tab should automatically update, can be filtered and works if there is 1 line or 4 lines for Hugh for Valtrex for example.
orange columns = helper and you can hide the ones on the first tab to make it easier for end users BUT if they get deleted that will break the sumif
works great, a pivot would be better but that blows some end users minds so i understand why not everyone likes that.
parliment example.xlsx
also i'm sure some wizard will come along with a better/easier way of doing it, this is just how my brain works on it. again, i do a lot of this kind ot stuff that would be easier with an actual database tool but we have excel and that's what we are going to use haha