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Everything posted by danhorn111

  1. Gagree. Not being able to skip commercials will be a deal breaker for me...
  2. Do you think Jake talked to Rhyner about this opportunity and was leveraging it to get a better deal with Cumulus a while back? Or did that pre-date when the Freak was even an idea? I can't remember exactly when Jake was out mysteriously for those few days and was making veiled references to being close to leaving.
  3. Check the UnFreak???
  4. I doubt they will scrub all existence - like you say, that would require removing a good percentage of their drop library. But I bet they do a segment at some point that basically says "We love Mike and wish him well, but we are just going to keep doing what we've always done." and then continue to ignore The Freak.
  5. Would be great, but Dan will probably lose because he just does bits instead of actually trying to pick winners (which is entertaining).
  6. Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out into the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?
  7. Jer: "I'm ready..." It will be interesting to see how noticeable the changes are after the new op takes over. Like Gordo said, running the show requires a comedic touch in a different medium.
  8. Who are the ad wizards...
  9. I think it was covered by several up thread, but one thing that has pleasantly surprised me about Peloton is the variety and quality of classes available that are not on the bike. We've had ours a little over a year and I have done more stretching, cardio, yoga, and meditation classes than biking (of course they are usually shorter, as well, so easier to stack up). One of my favorites is the 10-minute full body stretch that Ben Alldis does. Overall, Denis Morton is probably my favorite instructor -- his taste in music aligns pretty well with mine so that helps. And he is pretty good about giving occasional tips on form without being annoying about it.
  10. What about Ditka? Is he a mini-Ditka? Or regular sized?
  11. Seriously, that was brutal. They established early on that not one of them had ever seen an episode. Well then move on to something else you morons. Very Cobra E-news-esque. Let's just bullshit about a topic as we browse through Google results. More questions than answers...
  12. Bear trap E-Brake for the ages right there. Might want to read through the copy before you are live on the air next time Chief.
  13. I thought the exact same while listening. As if Lincoln wasn't even attempting to coach this year -- give me a break. George made a half-hearted effort to give a more reasonable fact-based take and then just gave up. Junior really is worse but Corby is "louder" if that makes sense.
  14. I heard this right after I picked up my rental car at DFW - wild and wacky stuff.
  15. Had to go to the neighbor's house to see the scantily clad chick posters.
  16. Yes, Joel is Hardline property unfortunately - but this too ha
  17. This is the news and this is news. 888-787-1310 if you'd like to chime in on Frank Beard and what he meant to Dusty Hill...
  18. Roughly 40 years after the release of the original album -- this show and the recording are spectacular.
  19. Dan with the subtle jacket off reference to get Jerry's interview going. 🤣
  20. From your guy's perspective I think the best play is to not pay rent but get ready to move out by mid-May or end of May and angle for the cash for keys deal from house flipper and/or old owner as Nice Guy Eddie suggested. Emphasize that he signed a lease through November and the difficulties of finding a new place, moving expenses, etc. There is a requirement in the Property Code to disclose the name of the property owner to a tenant. Sec. 92.201. It seems the main legal issue here is that old owner misrepresented (apparently unintentionally) the terms of the existing lease. But that is not your guy's problem. House flipper steps into the terms of old lease as it existed regardless of the misrepresentation. House flipper could try to evict your guy but he is going to have to find a legitimate reason to terminate the lease early under its terms.
  21. Factually accurate synopsis. Going to be hysterical according to Corby. Moment of silence for Julie's ovaries ... uh Paul in uh...
  22. It was bad - they couldn't get it through their head that this was a one person SINGLE VEHICLE accident with no witnesses. But it was nowhere near as bad as Simple opining that a team with no NFL experience would win the freaking Super Bowl. Idiot.
  23. Very in. Appreciate the head's up. Jeff Daniels seems like he could be a good fit on this one.
  24. Would've been a harsh bit for the new guy - but they should've just laid out on him after he was done. He was terribad, lyrics weren't even decently written.
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