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Everything posted by Firemans4Horn

  1. That was a shit throw. Lead the RB and steal easy yards.
  2. 0-10 on third downs tonight. We’re our own worst enemy.
  3. I know you’re not bright normally, but this is written like you’re having a stroke.
  4. ewers has been terrible tonight. Absolute no pocket presence.
  5. Quinn has no fucking feel for the pocket. step up and throw the god damned ball.
  6. Sark had to call a timeout to tell Quinn not to throw it to the well covered guy 3 yards down the field.
  7. Man, we can’t get a first down on 3rd down to save our life.
  8. Both guys had their helmet down low. Glad neither got a concussion or a neck injury.
  9. He’s a potato. Don’t waste your keyboard clicks.
  10. Ted Cruz has done nothing for Texans in 12 years. He has nothing to run on.
  11. Beck is a skinny bitch. He doesn’t have Kirby’s up tops.
  12. Why are our DB’s on their heels? Attack the fucking ball man.
  13. Our DB’s are giving these guys a fucking million miles off the line. pitch and catch. And now we lost our best safety. FUCK
  14. Was is Taafe 55 yards back down the field? Jesus man.
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