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Sheep Have Wool

Certifiably Surly
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  1. I'm going to do my best to answer this question in good faith, @Spankytoes. It seems like you're okay with the war in Ukraine degrading the Russian military, you just think it's silly for the US to spend money on someone else's problems when we've got things to fix here at home. Additionally, cutting US funding might spur the EU into fully funding Ukraine's defense, meaning that we have our cake and get to eat it, too. Ultimately, though, even if it doesn't work out that way, the worst thing that happens is that Europeans get pissy about having to pay what you see as their own bills. Is this synthesis correct? It seems like you're operating under a few misapprehensions. First, your use of "empathetic enough" seems to imply that you think we're giving Ukraine support because we're trying to be the good guys, and protecting the weak is what the good guys do. It is what good guys do, and that's a great PR benefit, but if that was actually what we did, we'd be intervening in every humanitarian crisis worldwide. We don't. The US isn't heavily involved in conflicts in Myanmar or Sudan, for example, even though there's a ton of similar horrible shit going on. We do a bit, but it's nothing compared to our support of Ukraine. Why not? Because helping there would cost money, many Americans probably can't locate Myanmar on a map, and most importantly, we don't really give as much of a fuck. Sure, we can broker a talk or two and send some strongly worded letters, but we're not handing over F-16s. So why the interest in helping Ukraine? Well, there's the obvious: it fucks over Russia, which frequently openly opposes US interests. They look immensely smaller on the world stage than they did before the start of this conflict. Other countries aren't as interested in their military tech, and they're less willing to pay heed to Russian interests. There are myriad reasons why this conflict is bad for Russia, and the more trouble they have with Ukraine, the less likely they are to do horrible shit like it in the future and/or cause other problems for us because they're busy spending their entire GDP there. You seem okay with this, but think it would just be better if the EU got off its collective ass and took charge of its own security, and all that could happen on their dime. This leads to your second misapprehension, and it's a biggie: you seem to think events on the world stage like this happen in a vacuum. The United States didn't spring into being as the sole world superpower. We got there because we could outspend everyone else. We're the fucking Joneses. A single carrier strike group can take on entire countries' militaries. We have 11 of them. They are expensive as fuck. You think we need all those just to patrol our coastal waters? We have them so we can project power when and where we decide, and we don't really care what anyone has to say about it. This is true not just militarily, but economically and culturally. We are the world's reserve currency. We make the TV and the movies that people watch. McDonald's is ubiquitous. What the US wants, it generally gets, and if another country doesn't like it, too bad. They can go drink a Coke and be sad on Facebook about it. Being seen as the world police is, for the most part, great for the United States. Countries give a shit what we do and say. They're polite to us. We get the friends and family discount. We can pull together coalitions to do, well, pretty much whatever we decide to do, even if they think it's a dumb idea. This is good for the US, and It makes us even richer - furthering our advantage - and it makes us more secure. Pulling back from the world stage lowers our importance to everyone else. And if you think that this one incident can't directly impact us, European stocks closed at a record high today. Why is money moving to the EU? Because people are investing in Dassault, and not in Lockheed. And the US stepping back from something that the EU - one of our biggest customers - thinks is important means that they'll just need to go make their own shit. We don't actually want them to. We want them to buy our shit and talk like us and think like us. It means we can keep getting our way. Given all that, why in the actual fuck would you want to lessen our involvement in world affairs? To save some pocket change that is mostly going back into our own economy? When we do things like support Ukraine, we're not wasting money - we're making smart investments.
  2. Is this...is this a bit? Or are you auditioning for a role on TexAgs?
  3. I seem to recall Colt beating Ohio State and playing in a championship game.
  4. I suspect it had something to do with the restraining order.
  5. I sometimes wonder what would happen if Helo invoked the George Constanza opposite rule with his life.
  6. Look, I'm just here to educate the masses about sheep. You need wool? They've got it. Also, @bolverk got it - apologies if that was unclear. Comedic speech shouldn't be limited. It doesn't always need to be tasteful. It should definitely be funny. Hinchcliffe's comment wasn't clever insult comedy, nor was it thoughtful subversive humor. Read the "joke." It's lazy and terrible and not funny. It was the sort of joke my 10 year old nephew would make if my nephew was a right-wing hatemonger at a Nazi rally.
  7. The same way that you become the richest person in the world: it's never enough. He's pretty clearly another insecure person trying to make themselves feel whole. Also, I suspect you're greatly overestimating Elon's smarts - he's got a lot of intellectual peers there. Did you miss Habba's walk up song?
  8. "There’s a lot going on. I don’t know if you know this, but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico." As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to comedy, there is no line - as long as it's funny. Weird apropos of nothing punching down like this is lazy as fuck. He might as well have just put up a slide deck of some of Pronghorn's memes.
  9. Tribalism, and because human brains are stupid. I applaud Stros for his answers, and for being willing to engage, even after he's taken a fair bit of shit. His answers seem a lot like my parents' answers, and his lack of response to some of the pointed questions is also similar. I think he's answering in good faith, but I suspect that those answers are mostly there to paper over the cognitive dissonance of potentially voting for someone who, deep down, he thinks would make a shitty president. That shitty potential president has an R next to his name, though, and Stros probably has a long history of being a part of Team R, along with peers/friends/family. A vote for Harris would be voting against his tribe, and brains are excellent at finding reasons to do things to avoid painful dissonance. Stros, I assume that you think of yourself as a rational person who looks for truth, even if it might feel uncomfortable. I invite you to ask yourself a few questions: It seems like you consider yourself a high-information voter. Do you consume "left leaning" viewpoints as often as "normal" or "right leaning" ones? How do you know which are which? Do you know what Team R propaganda/misinformation looks like? What's an example? How do you avoid falling victim to it? What piece of information would cause you to change your mind about your vote? You mentioned the economy and being willing to vote for Harris in '28 if things looked good in that regard, but people are notorious for delaying painful decisions while they "wait for new information." Both candidates have a history - which better supports a view that they would create a stronger economy? Would you be willing to go explore multiple, independent opinions on that? I'm not expecting answers to these in public, but if you're really interested in looking for truth, these questions are worth thinking about for more than the time it takes to dismiss them. And, to be clear, there are some left leaning posters here who should definitely also be asking themselves these questions, just pointed the other way, especially that one about propaganda and misinformation. Again, Stros, thanks for participating.
  10. The preferred nomenclature is "xenomorph", dude.
  11. Kirby Smart does not look excited to be there.
  12. This seems completely true, and totally in line with the flood of public Republican for Harris endorsements and general makeup of this board. I hate when this thread gets chainsaw'd.
  13. Imagine you've got a very, very small penis. You've been mocked for it in the locker room. Women laughed. Suddenly, someone offered you the opportunity to direct people's attention to something other than your microdick. You don't care if it's true, you just desperately want the focus to be elsewhere. You're looking to cover up your inadequacies and insecurities, not engage in critical thinking. It's the story of MAGA in general and @Stros121 specifically.
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