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Everything posted by SmokeyBear1861

  1. All from one guy, and his 10 socks. Hugo was the only one that noticed lol. @BYG Jacob
  2. Then what is the Donald Trump 2018 thread? This thread is 9 pages. The Donald Trump 2018 thread is one of 10 threads about Trump, and it's 163 pages...
  3. All news articles about it have also been scrubbed from the internet. Archives are still available. http://archive.is/nC2ev Tommy is a Jewish guy who was trying to report to the public the details of a child rape gang in his country. He will be in constant danger in prison. I've also seen talk about why they are going after people for talking rather than stopping the violent, horrible crimes being committed against children. It's simple, on the one hand they can arrest people for twitter posts and have a nice peaceful day doing their Orwellian job. On the other hand they can get investigate and try to apprehend people who will threaten to kill their families...
  4. Fountain of youth, reduce fatherless families, reduce fatherless families, and change how mental illness is treated (therapy instead of medication). Most gun deaths and homicides are committed in inner cities with handguns. Why? I think it's because the kids grow up without a father figure. https://ijr.com/2016/01/510415-10-charts-that-put-obamas-gun-violence-town-hall-in-perspective/ https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/01/us/murder-rates-rising-sharply-in-many-us-cities.html https://www.fatherhood.org/fatherhood-data-statistics None of these has to do with taking the rights of law abiding citizens.
  5. You brought up intelligence and education level. It's fine, the IG report looms, so does the investigation into the spying on political opponents. It's Friday though, memorial weekend.
  6. That is horrible. Two of my friends from high school committed suicide a couple of years after serving overseas for the Marines. Both diagnosed and medicated for PTSD.
  7. No problem Jazz. Horrible situation, but it proves my point from the earlier post. All the safety regulations prevented accidents, but didn't prevent the ability of someone with a motive to use the vehicle to kill people. 1. Weapon 2. Person There's something to blame in every single mass shooting or these vehicular attacks... The person who committed the act.
  8. So... you did a couple years at community college?
  9. Multiple People run over at PSU, Mass casualty Declared by FD
  10. Correct, but this isn't taking into consideration the difference between PURPOSEFUL attacks and accidents. The vehicle regulations helped prevent a ton of accidents that were killing people and improvements in technology all helped making traveling a less risky activity. Protecting yourself with a firearm isn't a risky activity, but some regulations and technology have been enacted already to help keep it safe. All those safety things don't stop this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle-ramming_attack Sure it's a complex problem, and all of the different factors should be taken into consideration. All the potential solutions should be taken into consideration. Lets start simple, with two factors. 1. Weapon 2. Person What are we more likely to be able to change with additional understanding and regulation? What works best without sacrificing our rights?
  11. Disgusting I'm defiantly not a "yankee POS" but I don't go out of my way to step in shit just so I can get it on my boot scraper. Sounds very aggy of you bragging about how your boots are for stepping in shit.
  12. Actually, I PM'ed you to ask you your level of education. Did you skip that sentence? I am curious, since you tend to focus on others and their level of education.
  13. Why would you even get shit on your boots?
  14. More deflection, accusations without sources, and name calling. You are really stuck in a loop bub. It's the pattern of the last 10 or so replies from you. Tried to find the source for your claim breifly... Interesting reads. https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Church_of_Scientology_blames_Pearl_Harbor,_9/11_on_psychiatry https://people.com/celebrity/cruises-scientology-group-aids-911-victims/ https://www.scientology.org/how-we-help/volunteer-ministers/disaster-relief/new-york.html#slide6
  15. Good guy with a gun? This will be swept under the rug just like Southerland Springs mass shooter was. Nobody from the anti-gun protests after Parkland even knew what the Southerland Springs mass shooting was and it was just months prior.
  16. I have that sock on ignore so I don't have to read his constant childish and disgusting insults. Good argument from you and Brain though. I give you a 60 page sourced description of what may be causing all this horrible violence in mass shootings, you attack the source and call me a "pussy bitch mother fucker" and accuse me of kneeling to the "Prince of Lies". Just pointing out the obvious isn't really "Scientology propaganda" now is it?
  17. So are any of the facts in the paper a lie? https://www.cchrint.org/pdfs/violence-report.pdf They all look well sourced to me. You can't argue against it so you try to attack and discredit the source by whatever means possible. The most common "appeal to group-think" tactic, it's getting pretty boring. People can go ahead and read it and decide on their own, or listen to you, and only read things in line with the gun confiscation solution.
  18. Top bait!
  19. So crawl back over to one of your fifteen Trump derangement threads. You literally didn't prove anything here other than your weak strategy of name calling and saying I'm lying.
  20. Education level = IQ ? Good luck following Nate Silvers propaganda, it won you the 2016 election remember? https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-donald-trump-isnt-a-real-candidate-in-one-chart/ http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/01/nate_silver_said_donald_trump_had_no_shot_where_did_he_go_wrong.html https://newrepublic.com/minutes/131998/nate-silvers-electoral-map-prediction-stuff-nightmares-gop
  21. No effort other than attacking the source huh? Pretty dull discussing anything you lefties. Just read it and make up your own mind. Fox is dogshit btw, just like all major media outlets. But every once in a while they present some verifiable facts in a decent enough summary to tell a story.
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