Yes. Does that accurately describe the story?
A real headline would have been
Deranged man pointing fake gun at people is confronted and shot by police
Instead, you get the biased one, which you love because whatever way to twist the Truth for the leftie narrative is acceptable.
It's fine, I hope they keep doing it, because it is exactly the reason why 80% of people think the MSM is full of shit. Wonderful, they no longer trust the media to tell them the Truth, so they seek the Truth themselves. With the internet and technology, the real story can get out pretty quickly. Once they have been proved to be liars and twisting every story over and over again, people lose confidence in the MSM.
This is exactly what has happened in the past 10 years. It isn't tinfoil hat infowars faggots anymore, it's just normal people who don't believe the media and seek out the Truth to stories.