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Posts posted by SmokeyBear1861

  1. 1 minute ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Investigations last as long as they last, you dumbass twerp. 

    The only things he "learns" come from InfoWars.

    That tells me nothing, take a guess when this ends, when does the evidence come out? 

    I don't watch infowhores, although I am entertained by them. Like I said in the Jones thread, good purple pill for normies, but obvious controlled opposition. He exists to try to make people who seek the truth look like "lunatic fringe".

    I did enjoy the fuck out of this classic 



    • Fuck You 7
  2. Just now, TornACL said:

    Pssst, maybe learn the difference between council and counsel before you start telling us how investigations should work.

    Pssst, I've been corrected multiple times for spelling on Surly, sorry for being an engineer with an apparent spelling handicap. 

    I'm not trying to tell you how it should work - I'm asking you dudes to define when the fuck this ends one way or the other, and you can't. 

    You can't because you know as well as I do, that if they had something they would've moved on it immediately. 


    • Fuck You 10
  3. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Not much is going to stop true random mass shootings.  But the good news is the odds of dying in one is microscopic.  About 1,000 Americans have been killed in the last 52 years since Whitman in true, random mass shootings (does not count domestic violence where a husband snaps and wipes out his family or gang related shootings -- it is counting other mass shootings where 4 or more people killed).  WAPO Stats on Random Mass Shootings

    We have 300+ million people in our country, unless you are engaged in criminal activity, the odds of someone murdering you with a gun are tiny.

    I would like to focus on things that might actually prevent the 10k plus other gun homicides a year.

    Legalize or decriminalize drugs and treat them like a public health issue, not a crime.  Release all non-violent drug offenders and restore their civil rights while expunging all non-violent drug offenses.  Let these people have a chance at a job so they don't feel the need to rob or steal.  Getting rid of prohibition will cut way down on gun homicides and gang turf wars.

    This also frees up a massive amount of criminal justice resources.  Use the extra police manpower to police the community for things that actually threaten us -- like violent criminals and property crimes.  Change our sentencing laws to bury under the jail any asshole who commits a gun crime or engages in gun violence.  I am talking sentences so long that if and when they get out they are too old to be a threat.

    Strengthen laws against domestic violence and remove guns from those convicted of domestic violence crimes.

    Spend some of our war on drugs savings on mental health.  I am less certain on specifics related to mental health.

    I don't think you understand how corrupt the government is. Big pharma wants to keep everyone on their drugs (subsidized by the taxpayer), the black market drug operations are probably still funding covert operations (figure out who invented bitcoin), and the mental health crisis only makes the government more powerful. 


    Please, move to another country.

  4. 5 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Do they do this with mafia investigations?  Do they do this with espionage investigations?  Do they do this with really expensive white-collar crimes?

    Are they tweeting out leaks of information in active investigations?

    Ok assume you are right, they are busting the Russian/Trump mafia here and haven't leaked a bit of their evidence yet.

    When does the investigation end? 

    When? Give me a ball park. Because right now, it has been 14 months, and it looks a lot like this is just a circus to keep the swamp around for cover-ups. It has already been exposed that the FBI was in contact with the Obama white house, using a phoney FISA warrant to spy on the opposition running for president. 

    Just tell me when, because as much as you want to save my comments and throw them back at me when Trump is impeached, I would like to save your predictions and giggle as 2018 turns into 2019, then into 2020. You can't sit there and say they are going to investigate this for more than 4 years, wouldn't that be interfering with an election? You going to have a "special council" investigating the president during both terms of his presidency? 

    • Fuck You 8
  5. Quote


    Clinton was “the best-qualified candidate," Obama said. "She wasn’t perfect, but she was way more perfect than many of the alternatives."

    In her remarks, Obama also hit the low voter turnout for Trump's victory in 2016, saying that voters were not "willing" to go out and vote for Clinton, whom she said was likely the most qualified candidate in history.

    "We've got to be willing, when we do find qualified people, to vote for them," Obama said. "And we didn't do that in this election."

    "So I think people should be less ... disheartened that me and Oprah don't want to run, and more disheartened by the fact that Hillary Clinton, probably the most qualified person to ever seek the office of the presidency, lost. She lost."



    Billary Clinton 2.0 coming in 2020

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Chad Fuck said:

    I have a feeling this quote will not age well.

    What if Mueller is conducting an investigation without leaking?  You know, by the book, as he's supposed to do?  And that's why (aside from the indictments and supporting facts already mentioned) you haven't heard what you want?

    Give me some info on these indictments and supporting facts mentioned? 

    I have no reason to believe any of these scum wouldn't leak, because they already leak. Look at what Comey did.

    • Fuck You 5
  7. 4 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Just because you don't like them, doesn't mean they aren't facts.

    I'm excited to see the evidence and facts behind this whole Russian collusion investigation. Been asking for it for over a year. Haven't seen any evidence of illegal activities or wrong doing, I'm assuming they don't have it. If they did, they would "leak" it as soon as possible to try to attack the president in every way possible. 

    • Fuck You 5
  8. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Nope. I think the house flips in 2018. They send articles of impeachment to senate. He skates because GOP senate. No matter what the facts and evidence show, he skates.

    wow finally we will get to see some huh?

    • Fuck You 6
  9. 37 minutes ago, texas08 said:

    Because I don’t wanna start a thread and this seems to be an ok place for this, maybe not, whatever.

    Assuming that pricks like the Canadian Justin Bieber and now the Irishman Connor McGregor are on visitor visas or on green cards....why are they still allowed to conduct business and possibly live on US soil after committing felonies?

    Conor will likely be convicted of something bad enough he will have his visa revoked - and won't be allowed to fight in the US ever again.

    Back to UK for him. Four major stabbings in London today, bonus points I guess.



    London gangs using 'stabbing POINTS SYSTEM' to boast about attacks as bloodbath continues


  10. 6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Yes. I do not think it is immoral to purchase or own a semi-automatic weapon. 

    So you are pro-second amendment, which guarantees the God given right of self-defense.

    • Fuck You 1
  11. 27 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    I'm a gun owner (five last time I checked) who favors a repeal of the Second Amendment.

    Go figure.

    You obviously don't, if you still have your guns you are a hypocrite. Turn them in or sell them, set an example.

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, Lurch said:

    Did they falsely believe he had a gun?

    Yes. Does that accurately describe the story? 

    A real headline would have been

    Deranged man pointing fake gun at people is confronted and shot by police

    Instead, you get the biased one, which you love because whatever way to twist the Truth for the leftie narrative is acceptable.

    It's fine, I hope they keep doing it, because it is exactly the reason why 80% of people think the MSM is full of shit. Wonderful, they no longer trust the media to tell them the Truth, so they seek the Truth themselves. With the internet and technology, the real story can get out pretty quickly. Once they have been proved to be liars and twisting every story over and over again, people lose confidence in the MSM. 

    This is exactly what has happened in the past 10 years. It isn't tinfoil hat infowars faggots anymore, it's just normal people who don't believe the media and seek out the Truth to stories. 

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