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Posts posted by SmokeyBear1861

  1. 6 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    What a monster. He clearly deserved to die.

    Not saying he deserved to die, but if he is waving a fake gun at a woman and her kid, then when the cops roll up on him he waves his fake gun at them, they are clearly justified in shooting him. Sure, it's sad and unfortunate that the man was killed, but it was obviously because of his own actions, not a police mistake or corrupt racist police force. Work on your empathy, what if that was your wife and kid some nutjob was pointing a fake gun at? What if that was you working for the police that had to go face this guy?

    The media won't correct their story to show these pictures, because it shows the cops as the heroes they are for facing that dude. 

  2. Pretty great evidence for horrible media bias pushing their "all cops are white supremacist" shit. 

    First NYT headline: New York police fatally shoot man after falsely believing he had a gun



    Wasn't archived, they have changed it twice, but even after two corrections it is still misleading, and puts the cops in a bad light.



    Well, they did force police to release the real story very quickly, turns out the dude was waving his fake gun at random people. 




  3. 9 hours ago, JohnnyRage said:

    My interest has piqued.

    You just witnessed the first "4d marketing" by the nu-UFC, presented by WWF. It literally looked just like those skits between wrasslin matches. 

    If all those people try to file civil lawsuits on Conor, he will force them to settle. He has lawyers too, and they would have to prove their losses. When Conor's lawyers drag it out, what are those suing going to do? If they don't fight they will have a hard time paying their laywers to keep the thing going. If they do fight they just proved that he didn't ruin their fighting career with emotional distress or whatever.

    Still, what the fuck.



  4. I think you guys broke em lol.

    Just leave them alone, don't want them going postal like the last 8 or so registered demorats who killed innocents in highly publicised mass shootings. 

    • Like 2
    • Fuck You 1
  5. Just now, BabaYaga said:

    You have absolutely no way to even remotely prove this asinine statement.  The only thing we could state that would have 100% prevented the Parkland shooting was Cruz never being born.  Stop with the histrionics.

    Or the FBI acting on the 39 reports that the kid was nucking futs.

  6. Just now, FondrenRoad said:

    It really isn't.  You aren't going to protect anyone from tyranny by sitting at home.  And militas are actually populated by nutjobs, most of them so out of shape that they couldn't do much at all in a war.

    Militias won't be populated with nutjobs if the government threatens a gun grab. 

    It will be literally populated with ex-military. You must live in a fucking bubble.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, FondrenRoad said:

    It isn't nonsense.  Its true that you have traditionally fought registration which could prevent Parkland type events.  The question is "How many more Parklands have to happen before you come around to it?"

    Fuck you. Blood isn't on law abiding gun owners hands, IT'S ON THE INEPT GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES WHO FUCKED UP AND THE KID WHO SHOT PEOPLE.

    How many more government fuck ups have to happen before I give up my right to self defense and rely on a police state? 

  8. 3 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Lol.  Show me a disciplined militia of sane and well armed citizens?  Militias in the USA are populated by complete nutjobs.  Non-nutjob gunowners are more about defending the homestead.  But too much so.  They'll watch with the lights off while the gov't kills you and do nothing.  Then there will be nobody to help them when the gov't decides to come steamroll their homestead.  If the apocalypse hits, you can just head over to armybrat's house, wait for him to fall asleep at 5 pm, and then stock up.


    • Like 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Yeah, when everyone was carrying muskets and riding horses. Good luck going up against the modern US military.

    I love this argument.

    First, what makes you think the modern US military would carry out orders on it's own fellow citizens?

    Second, do you even Vietnam?

    Third, how much resources does it take to stop one psycho? Do they have enough to stop a true disciplined militia of sane and well armed citizens?

    • Like 1
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  10. Just now, F250 said:

    This attitude is counter to our culture. Here at shaggy/surly dick humour is celebrated.

    lol I'm aware, just letting you know how pathetic it is to be begging for a paid skank to recount her details of the presidents pee-pee. 

    It would be like if dudes on the right were begging Monica Lowinski to describe how Slick Willy tastes. Strait as a circle.

    • Like 2
  11. Just now, Amobie said:

    The only thing a list should provide is whether or not they can pass a background check or not. It shouldn't provide details of whether or not a gun was purchased and shouldn't be used for that.  Just should be basic checkbox criteria.  True/False.  If convicted of a felony, your name pops up on a list of convicted felons that can't legally own a weapon.  That should be it.  

    I am pretty sure that already exists. When you buy a gun, they run your background for felonies.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    the issue with registration and licensing is the second amendment. that's the argument.

    however, as a gun owner, i'm not against registration. i think transfer of ownership should be tracked, and that there should be some kind of penalty for owning an unregistered gun. ie, you inherit dad's single shot 410? fill in a card and mail it in, or something like that.

    i don't fear a massive gun registry. i understand that those who do see it as a natural first step to the government coming and getting your guns. but here's the rub - gun advocates are going to have to give some inches here or the anti-gun people WILL eventually take the whole mile. this zero-sum game bullshit is going to come back and bite us responsible gun owners in the ass.

    this way, when someone is convicted of a felony, we know they have three registered handguns, those are surrendered. this way, when someone is declared mentally "dangerous," the registered guns can be surrendered and held in escrow until such time they are deemed "stable." you can do what you want with the terms, but i think that is reasonable.

    i know the privilege of driving is not enshrined in the constitution, but comparing the number of boxes we have to check to 1) have a DL, 2) maintain a street legal car to that of gun ownership is a complete incongruity for me. 

    Give an inch, see what happens. First off, the second amendment is to protect against a tyrannical government. So giving them a list of who and how many guns isn't in the interest of the amendment.

    Second, it isn't a stretch to see what they will do. They will chip away at the right of self defense until it's gone. They have demonized Christians to the point where I could easily see it eventually coming to - Do you believe in God? Wait you are hearing voices in your head? No guns for you.

  13. 9 minutes ago, DanTheHorn said:

    Assault rifles = AK's and M16 and similar rifles and all automatic weapons.

    Agreed, but you gonna need to define "similar rifles" to people who aren't familiar with guns. They think AR15 = M16 because they look similar.

    It's pretty crazy that you can be drafted or join the military to go overseas and fight a war at 18 but you can't drink until 21, and people now want to prevent the right of self defense for these 18-21 year olds as well.

    What about those vulnerable college girls? Wouldn't they have less of a chance of getting raped if allowed to concealed carry?

  14. Census going back to asking for citizenship (since it effects how many congressmen you have).

    Hospitals in Mayor Sadiq Khan’s London resemble those in a war zone, a senior surgeon working to save victims of the capital’s surging violent crime wave has said.


    99 MS-13 Gang Members Arrested – All Entered US as ‘Unaccompanied Minors’


    Illegal immigrant nabbed after going on the lam in 1995 for impregnating 12-year-old daughter


    Suspect Kills Man With Sword After Argument in Chinatown Boarding House, Police Say (Sanctuary City Philadelphia)


    An 85-year-old man from Mexico was arrested after deputies in Iredell County said he sexually assaulted a 10-year-old child.


    Twice-deported illegal immigrant accused of raping young girl in Oregon


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