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Posts posted by SmokeyBear1861

  1. Well, this can be the Democrat incompetence/corruption general. No need to start a million samethreads.



    44 Dems, Including Wasserman Schultz, Exempted Pakistani IT Aides From Background Checks

    Among the red flags in Abid’s background were a $1.1 million bankruptcy; six lawsuits against him or a company he owned; and at least three misdemeanor convictions including for DUI and driving on a suspended license, according to Virginia court records. Public court records show that Imran and Abid operated a car dealership referred to as CIA that took $100,000 from an Iraqi government official who is a fugitive from U.S. authorities. Numerous members of the family were tied to cryptic LLCs such as New Dawn 2001, operated out of Imran’s residence, Virginia corporation records show. Imran was the subject of repeated calls to police by multiple women and had multiple misdemeanor convictions for driving offenses, according to court records.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I would love to see any proof of such a coordinated script in "left wing" radio or TV media.  Come on, guys.  You've been bitching about it for decades.  Step up and show your proof.


  3. Hope Max schools him. Hes faster and has a good sprawl.

    Also stopped caring really about JJ as soon as she kept saying shes the boogy woman and she has a surprise for Rose over and over. Hopefully the rematch is a good brawl.

    Please don't get deleted Pettis.

    War Felder and Karolina. Two very punishable faces they are up against hopefully get ktfo.

    Ohh also Boschiek going to be fun to watch.


  4. 4 hours ago, DanTheHorn said:

    Fiscal restraint has not existed in either party for 30 years. I use to lean republican due to taxes and fiscal restraint but the second is a myth. This year taxes became a payoff to the top and the middle class in a few years will be back to getting screwed. So I have called myself an independent for some time but the republicans do not even look like a viable choice these days with all their populist craziness and self serving ways combined together.

    With fractional reserve lending and ultra low interest rates it's turned into funny money for quite a while. The debt burden requires an ever expanding debt bubble.

    Basically, both parties are corrupt worthless fuckheads, but the real problem with spending is that nobody understands how fucked the money system is.


  5. 7 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    If you dont like the stats, then you don't like the facts.  You choose to live in fear.

    There are hordes of kids running the worst neighborhoods in the country wholly unsupervised by their parents or any adults and they aren't being abducted or mass murdered.  They are becoming gang-bangers, though, but that was predictable.  Using the stats.

    Can you post statistics on this?

    I would counter with 


    ...as soon as you abandon traditional culture that got civilization this far (marriage) you return to chaos.

  6. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Data please?

    And here's just a simple question to get you thinking about what that data might show....is it that random acts of depravity (say, kidnapping and raping random kids) are more prevalent, OR, is it that coverage of such events is much bigger and better than before?

    Check the data.  There's never been a safer time to be a child in America.  Heck, in just the past 15 years, sex crimes against children have dramatically DECLINED.

    The statistical truth is undeniable: you are safer now in America than at any time in our history.

    Thank God. Its a vicious cycle, as the ones abused as kids tend to abuse kids.

    You must admit the Trump admin has gone after pedophiles and human traffickers hard. I think more arrests in 2017 than in the past four years combined. Plus executive orders on freezing their funds and such.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    We react to fear stimulus in entirely predictable and manipulable manners.  That ain't one of our "higher life form" traits.  And coming from you, that's a rich criticism.  You beat the fear drum as loudly as anyone on this board.  You beat the drum of animalistic, tribalist bullshit louder than anyone.

    And that fact ain't how you get to eugenics.  It's how you get manipulated by Trump and his ilk.  Beat the fear drum to a fever pitch, reap rewards.  Not a new script at all.  

    You are either a sucker, or a perpetrator.  Either one looks ugly on you.  

    People reacting to fear in predictable manners doesn't mean we are animals. 

    There is a difference between

    Man and God

    Men and Women

    Man and Animals

    When you ignore these it is always an insane leftie arguement. I know, I know, Trump is literally Hitler and we want Eugenics. But if your social Darwinism theory is correct, isn't it just the people with genes that adapt to allow more reproduction survive? You can't eliminate morality in humans, or else you walk a slippery "Hitler wasn't wrong" slope.


  8. Hmm. Didn't realize the "caravan" had demands too. They demand an end to political corruption in thier central American countries, LGBTQIA rights and open borders. 

    So flooding America with thier people is supposed to fix thier home countries? 

    Their demands to the US Gov.

    “That they respect our rights as refugees and our right to dignified work to be able to support our families
    That they open the borders to us because we are as much citizens as the people of the countries where we are and/or travel
    That deportations, which destroy families, come to an end”


    The border police stopped and boarded us, but we insisted that we are Pueblo Sin Fronteras, 1500 families without passports but with permission from God to pass freely; the police backed off and we made it to San Pedro, where we found the town fair and played foosball before falling asleep exhausted.

    We are strong, we are impatient, we are beautiful and fun and we have dignity, and there are a lot of us.

    Donald Trump really appreciates you loonie lefties taking it to the logical conclusion and making his point. 

    • Fuck You 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I haven't done any formal IQ test in a jillion years.  I always tested in the 99+ percentile, and IIRC, IQ scores were....really high.  And no, I'm not going to put a number here because I think that's asinine.

    The point is, I'm plenty "intelligent" by the STANDARD metrics that academia uses.

    I'm also just smart enough to realize that doesn't mean NOTHING, but it doesn't mean nearly as much as folks think it does.  "Intelligence" is a broad collection of WAYS you think about things.  In some respects, I have some good ways of thinking about things, and those translate to success.  In other ways, I'm not so strong at my ways of thinking about things, and I struggle, at least relatively.

    In short, IQ etc. is a very limited way of looking at "intelligence."  Subsets of "intelligence" skills are even more telling.  But we don't even know how to categorize or evaluate all of those.  When it comes to thinking, we're talking about grading a computer that none of us designed, we barely understand, and we don't even grasp all of the design or data inputs.  We can talk about pieces of pieces.

    And, bringing it back home....almost NONE of those pieces correlate to "race," which is largely a skin color construct (which DOES have a strong component of localization and limited local variation, but isn't connected at all, genetically, with many other traits).

    I agree. The IQ tests only really get pattern recognition it seems, and not "spatial IQ" or "linguistic IQ". 



  10. 10 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    I guess it depends on your definition of success, and how you're measuring intelligence.

    Are Donald, Eric, Ivanka and Don Jr. more intelligent than, say, Brisket?  I'd say no, not by a long shot, but they are probably more successful in terms of net worth.  Is the guy with the highest IQ at your company also the CEO?  I doubt it.

    Yeah, actually he definitely is. Funny you bring Trump into it. I wouldn't say it works for every individual case but broadly speaking those with higher intelligence do better in almost every measurable metric. 

    How many of you guys have taken an IQ test? I want to go try to get into Mensa with coach Herman. I took an online one a few years ago and got a measly 146.

  11. 7 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    Incorrect. Ability to delay gratification for kids, linked to success in life, NOT intelligence.


    Is success in life linked to intelligence?


    delayed gratification isn’t really about gritting our teeth or exerting willpower: it’s about controlling the spotlight of attention. Likewise, intelligence isn’t just about remembering abstract facts – it’s about controlling what thoughts we’re thinking about in the first place. (To put it another way, being smart is not just about having a larger working memory – it’s about having more precise control over what’s in working memory.)



  12. 10 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    My favorite part of the climate change debate is when one side accidentally says “I’m afraid of what you are going to do with the information, so I’ll just claim the information is incorrect.”

    Not really, just pointing out how ludicrous the "solution" to the problem is. 

    Here is a good discussion. 


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